• Hi there,

    Hope you can help. My tweets are not updating. I have deactivated ALL plugins but problem persists. My limits are full and I have full quota to draw down. Default value is 5 and Cache fetched results is enabled. I have toggled between using normal and intense caching mode but problem remains.The only way I can get latest tweets to appear is by going into settings – reset, and clearing the cache manually (obviously not an option in the long term). I think this plugin is the best out there (trust me, I’ve tried them all), but I just need help getting over this issue. I spoke with my ISP because I suspected a cron job issue but they assure me this is not the case (as WordPress uses wp-cron, and not server side cron, right?).

    Anyway, any help greatly appreciated. This is the best tweet widget out there. If this is a problem with my ISP I just need help gathering the evidence…and unfortunately, I’m not a developer. If anyone can help me or if more info’ is needed please let me know.



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  • Plugin Author miunosoft



    as WordPress uses wp-cron, and not server side cron, right?

    That’s right. The plugin uses WP Cron by default. You can change the caching method with the option Caching Mode to intense. (Dashboard -> Fetch Tweets -> Settings -> General -> Caching Settings) But you say the intense mode does not work. That’s strange. Try keep setting it to intense for a while.

    Meanwhile, let’s check if the scheduled tasks are stuck in the queue or not.

    1. Install and activate the Cron View plugin.
    2. Go to Dashboard -> Tools -> What’s in Cron.
    3. Check if there are event names starting with fetch_tweets_...

    If there are items like it and if they remain even you refresh the page several times, it means that for some reasons the background cache renewal events of the plugin are not working properly.

    Let me know what you see there.

    Also double check your browser caches and if there is a caching plugin enabled. Don’t forget clear their caches as well.

    Thread Starter SessionPod


    Hi again,

    Thanks for coming back. Yes, I can see I have events starting with fetch_tweets…and unfortunately they remain even after several refreshes. Below is a list of what I can see under What’s In Cron. Local browser has no caching plugin enabled and I cleared cache but problem remains. I can still manually clear cache tweets and then I get the updates…but unfortunately after that the tweets don’t updates…

    Any help greatly appreciated

    Best regards,

    Jan 2, 1970 @ 4:33 (102823) Once Daily wptouch_cron_backup_settings
    Jun 14, 2014 @ 18:29 (1402770599) Twice Daily wp_version_check
    Jun 14, 2014 @ 18:29 (1402770599) Twice Daily wp_update_plugins
    Jun 14, 2014 @ 18:29 (1402770599) Twice Daily wp_update_themes
    Jun 14, 2014 @ 18:30 (1402770613) Once Daily wp_scheduled_delete
    Oct 10, 2014 @ 16:39 (1412959198) One-off event upgrader_scheduled_cleanup
    [0]: 90
    Dec 14, 2014 @ 20:54 (1418590469) One-off event fetch_tweets_action_simplepie_renew_cache
    [0]: Array
    Dec 14, 2014 @ 20:55 (1418590519) One-off event fetch_tweets_action_simplepie_renew_cache
    [0]: Array
    Dec 14, 2014 @ 21:22 (1418592134) One-off event fetch_tweets_action_transient_add_oembed_elements
    [0]: https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=SessionPod&count=200&include_rts=1&exclude_replies=0
    Dec 16, 2014 @ 12:29 (1418732987) One-off event fetch_tweets_action_transient_renewal
    [0]: Array
    Dec 16, 2014 @ 12:34 (1418733275) One-off event wpseo_ping_search_engines
    Dec 16, 2014 @ 21:14 (1418764468) One-off event fetch_tweets_action_transient_add_oembed_elements
    [0]: https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=SessionPod&count=200&include_rts=0&exclude_replies=0
    Dec 16, 2014 @ 21:43 (1418766206) One-off event fetch_tweets_action_transient_add_oembed_elements
    [0]: https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/home_timeline.json?count=200&include_entities=1&include_rts=0&exclude_replies=0
    Dec 19, 2014 @ 9:24 (1418981063) One-off event wpseo_ping_search_engines
    Dec 19, 2014 @ 12:50 (1418993439) One-off event fetch_tweets_action_setup_transients
    Dec 19, 2014 @ 19:33 (1419017580) Twice Daily wp_maybe_auto_update

    Plugin Author miunosoft


    Do you get plugin and theme updates? They also uses WP Cron so if it is not working, you won’t get update notices. You can try this to see if the WordPress built-in updates are functioning.

    1. Go to Dashboard -> Plugins -> Installed Plugins.
    2. Pick any one of the installed plugins hosted on www.remarpro.com.
    3. Click the Edit link on the title column of the plugin you chose.
    4. Change the version number to a lower version. For example, if you pick Fetch Tweets, the current version should be 2.4.1 and you see something like this

    	Plugin Name:    Fetch Tweets
    	Plugin URI:     https://en.michaeluno.jp/fetch-tweets
    	Description:    Fetches and displays tweets from twitter.com with the the Twitter REST API v1.1.
    	Author:         miunosoft (Michael Uno)
    	Author URI:     https://michaeluno.jp
    	Version:        2.4.1
    	Requirements:   PHP 5.2.4 or above, WordPress 3.3 or above.

    Change 2.4.1 to something like 2.4.1b.

    5. Go to Dashboard -> Updates. Click Check Again.

    You may need to wait for a while. If you receive an update notice, WP Cron is working.

    Also what value is set in the Cache Duration option found in the rule definition page? (Dashboard -> Manage Rules -> Rule Name -> Edit -> Cache Duration)

    Thread Starter SessionPod


    Hi again,

    Yes, I am getting updates so no problem there (in between these emails I actually received an update for a plugin). But I followed your instructions anyway. I changed the version like you said (I also changed const Version = ‘2.4.1b’…was that right thing to do?). Then hey-presto, I receive an update notification for Fetch tweets right away, so wp-cron is working.

    Ok. I have only two rules. One rule by screen name and one by timeline. Both rules are fetching 5 items only. The screen name rule cache duration is 21600 (I don’t expect to need this to be anything less for now). The timeline rule cache duration is 900, or 15mins. Oh yes, the default value number of items under general settings is also 5.

    Thanks again…I’ve just made a donation to say thanks for your help so far and the great plugin (the donation will come in to you under a different email address). Unfortunately (and I hate to say it) but looks like tweets still not updating…

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter SessionPod


    Hi again,

    Just for the heck of it…after following all of the above I deactivated and deleted the Fetch Tweets plugin. I then checked to see if it was removed from the folders at the ISP (it was) and then I reinstalled and reconfigured Fetch Tweets with the same parameters as stated previously, including the rules. Unfortunately tweets are still not updating…I really hope we can sort this out but right now I’m simply out of ideas.


    Thread Starter SessionPod


    Hi again,

    …here’s is the current status taken 22:03 19/12/14…


    Status Authenticated
    Screen Name SessionPod
    Request Limits

    List 15 / 15 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    Memberships 15 / 15 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    Subscribers Show 15 / 15 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    members 180 / 180 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    Subscriptions 15 / 15 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    Show 15 / 15 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    Ownerships 15 / 15 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    Subscribers 180 / 180 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    Members Show 15 / 15 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    Statuses 180 / 180 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    Retweeters IDs 15 / 15 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    Retweets Of Me 15 / 15 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    Home Timeline 15 / 15 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    Show ID 180 / 180 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    User Timeline 180 / 180 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    /statuses/friends 15 / 15 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    Retweets ID 60 / 60 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    Mentions Timeline 15 / 15 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    Oembed 180 / 180 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    Lookup 180 / 180 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )
    Tweets 180 / 180 ( Will be reset at December 19, 2014, 10:15 pm )

    Plugin Author miunosoft


    Try setting the cache duration option to 60 which means 1 minute and see if tweets get updated.

    The option name might be a bit misleading. If the cache is found in the database, the plugin does not perform the API request. If the cache is expired, the plugin will schedule an update event in the background. So the value of the cache duration option represents how long the cache remains in the database. So the less the value is, the more the tweets are updated frequently.

    And thanks for the donation!

    Thread Starter SessionPod


    Hi again,

    Your welcome for the donation. Anybody reading this thread should consider making a contribution.

    Ok. So I set the cache duration to 60 and still no updates. I also set cache duration to 0 and cleared the cache again…no updates. I did a little bit more digging and read about console logging in Chrome and captured the output (see below). It looks like there’s some stuff going on related to twitter alright but doesn’t mean much to me.

    Any help, suggestions or directions greatly appreciated – and thanks again for your help on this.

    Best regards,

    Invalid App Id: Must be a number or numeric string representing the application id.
    all.js:61 The “fb-root” div has not been created, auto-creating
    all.js:61 FB.getLoginStatus() called before calling FB.init().
    widgets.js:3 TWITTER: Content Security Policy restrictions may be applied to your site. Add <meta name=”twitter:widgets:csp” content=”on”> to supress this warning.
    widgets.js:3 TWITTER: Please note: Not all embedded timeline and embedded Tweet functionality is supported when CSP is applied.
    widgets.js:3 TWITTER: Content Security Policy restrictions may be applied to your site. Add <meta name=”twitter:widgets:csp” content=”on”> to supress this warning.
    widgets.js:3 TWITTER: Please note: Not all embedded timeline and embedded Tweet functionality is supported when CSP is applied.
    widgets.js:3 TWITTER: Content Security Policy restrictions may be applied to your site. Add <meta name=”twitter:widgets:csp” content=”on”> to supress this warning.
    widgets.js:3 TWITTER: Please note: Not all embedded timeline and embedded Tweet functionality is supported when CSP is applied.
    widgets.js:3 TWITTER: Content Security Policy restrictions may be applied to your site. Add <meta name=”twitter:widgets:csp” content=”on”> to supress this warning.
    widgets.js:3 TWITTER: Please note: Not all embedded timeline and embedded Tweet functionality is supported when CSP is applied.
    widgets.js:3 TWITTER: Content Security Policy restrictions may be applied to your site. Add <meta name=”twitter:widgets:csp” content=”on”> to supress this warning.
    widgets.js:3 TWITTER: Please note: Not all embedded timeline and embedded Tweet functionality is supported when CSP is applied.
    widgets.js:3 TWITTER: Content Security Policy restrictions may be applied to your site. Add <meta name=”twitter:widgets:csp” content=”on”> to supress this warning.
    widgets.js:3 TWITTER: Please note: Not all embedded timeline and embedded Tweet functionality is supported when CSP is applied.
    widgets.js:3 TWITTER: Content Security Policy restrictions may be applied to your site. Add <meta name=”twitter:widgets:csp” content=”on”> to supress this warning.
    widgets.js:3 TWITTER: Please note: Not all embedded timeline and embedded Tweet functionality is supported when CSP is applied.
    widgets.js:3 TWITTER: Content Security Policy restrictions may be applied to your site. Add <meta name=”twitter:widgets:csp” content=”on”> to supress this warning.
    widgets.js:3 TWITTER: Please note: Not all embedded timeline and embedded Tweet functionality is supported when CSP is applied.
    widgets.js:3 TWITTER: Content Security Policy restrictions may be applied to your site. Add <meta name=”twitter:widgets:csp” content=”on”> to supress this warning.
    widgets.js:3 TWITTER: Please note: Not all embedded timeline and embedded Tweet functionality is supported when CSP is applied.

    Plugin Author miunosoft



    To disable the Content Security Policy warnings, you can try this little plugin.


    Save the code as a .php file and compress it in a zip file. Then upload it as a plugin and activate it.

    It should remove those errors. However, I’d suspect it is nothing to do with tweet updates.

    Let me know how it tuns out.

    Thread Starter SessionPod


    Hi again,

    Thanks for your plugin. I’ll try it but I think you’re right. Disabling warnings is disabling warnings. I can’t see it’s anything to do with the updates issue.

    And again, thanks so much for coming back! If worst comes to worst I’ll nuke my site and start again, but I don’t want to hit the panic button just yet, only to find out later that the ISP blocks timeline pulls or something like that. Plus+++, I just installed on a clean wordpress install on a test domain – same ISP…and I’m not getting updates there either. I also get the same console messages relating to CSP. I’ve logged a ticket with the hosting provider and I’ll let ye know what they say…


    Plugin Author miunosoft


    It is a good practice to create a test site.

    Which tweet type is your rule by the way? You can find it by going to Dashboard -> Fetch Tweets -> Manage Rules and it is written in the Tweet Type column.

    Also try creating a rule with a different tweet type such as list and see if tweets with other rules get updated.

    Thread Starter SessionPod


    Hi again,

    I am running two rules, one by timeline and one by screen name (see previous wp-cron information). I also tried adding a list rule as you suggested but while the first tweets work ok, I do not get updates.

    I’ve noticed in wp-cron the latest event…

    Dec 22, 2014 @ 7:01 (1419231673) One-off event fetch_tweets_action_transient_add_oembed_elements
    [0]: https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=SessionPod&count=200&include_rts=1&exclude_replies=0

    …if I follow the link I get the following message…

    {“errors”:[{“message”:”Bad Authentication data”,”code”:215}]}

    Any suggestions?


    Thread Starter SessionPod


    Hi again,

    My ISP came back again. They confirmed that my wp-cron is working. They also said Content Security Policy is a Chrome browser, not server, setting to prevent cross-site scripting attacks and would not be related to the update problem.

    They suggested I contact you again to resolve the issue, and they also said they do not offer scripting or coding support on third party products (like I didn’t know).

    Please help?


    Thread Starter SessionPod


    Hi again,

    Well. I’ve installed a fresh instance of WordPress on my test site ceolaguscraic.com and I’m using the default twenty fourteen theme. So it’s a blank slate. I installed Fetch Tweets and am running one rule for timeline with cache duration 60. Unfortunately tweets will only update if I manually clear the cache under settings reset. I saw my refresh limits change in real time (see below).

    Home Timeline 14 / 15 ( Will be reset at December 22, 2014, 6:35 pm )

    Home Timeline 15 / 15 ( Will be reset at December 22, 2014, 6:54 pm )

    I installed the disable CSP plugin and while it suppressed the js warnings, tweets are still not updating.


    Plugin Author miunosoft



    Let’s check if it is a specific issue with a particular Twitter account using many embedded media elements such as YouTube videos and images.

    Can you try creating a rule with a different Twitter account which does not have much media files and see if tweets are updated with those accounts?

    Also, can you tell me a few Twitter accounts that I can test on my end? I’ve tried creating a rule with the screen name SessionPod but no new tweet has been tweeted in that account since yesterday so I cannot tell whether the plugin tweets updates are working or not yet. So tell me a few Twitter accounts that are tweeted frequently and tweets are not updated in the plugin so that I can reproduce the problem in my environment.

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