• Resolved devoninternational


    I am using Version 3.5.1
    feed refresh 5 minutes
    tweets #: 5
    Time Format: D jS M y H:i
    Language: English
    Open in Blank Window
    Exclude Replies
    Show Relative Time

    The tweettime is not showing… I firebug the code and see a faded out <span class=”4_tweet_date”></span>.

    Please assist and thanks so much. Anyone else seeing this issue?


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  • Thread Starter devoninternational


    Sorry to further explain I have not altered the code to list the pages:

    <ul class="pages">
    	<li>{$tweet_text}<br />{$tweet_time}</li>

    Thanks again.

    Anonymous User 9905372


    Try it now.

    (with version 3.1)


    Anonymous User 9905372


    When it is commited of course.


    Just updated to Twitget 3.1 and $tweet_time still not working. I’m running WP 3.5.2.

    Relevant code is:

    <p>{$tweet_text} <em>{$tweet_time}</em></p>
    Anonymous User 9905372


    What is the time format you are using?


    D jS M y H:i
    yes $tweet_time still doesn’t working

    Anonymous User 9905372


    I’ve tested it with your data and it works.

    The only explanation I currently have is that jQuery isn’t properly working, because the date spans are filled with jQuery.

    Can you give me the link to your blog?


    you can check my blog it has same problem

    Anonymous User 9905372


    For your blog; what is the theme you are using? Your header is missing the scripts that need to be included (moment.js) and should be included when the plugin is activated.

    Can you test this on a normal WP theme and report back?


    Anonymous User 9905372


    Check if your theme file (header.php) has the following call:

    <?php wp_head(); ?>


    Well Im building my own theme for my company and yes it works right now i included moment.js in my theme.


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