Thank you for the quick reply.
For me is still not working, the only way could make it appear the testimonials it appears in a long bar, not as displayed in the demo.
Can you help me with that?
I want keep the same appearance of the demo using:
i-excel comes with custom plugin “TemplatesNext ToolKit” to help you generate the services, portfolios,
testimonial as masonry and carousel, and many other elements in few clicks. To start Setting up i-excel, go to admin panel > “Appearance” > “Customize”.”
3 columns with
“Web Design
Nunc tristique rutrum euismod. Quisque vestibulum, savvy car buyers are aware velit eget tincidunt egestas, dui est varius elit, sit amet ullamcorper lacus mi quis mi. Maecenas dapibus ipsum
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Web Development
Duis pharetra ligula vel ipsum faucibus, id rhoncus lectus vestibulum. Nunc savvy car buyers are aware tempus, odio vel ornare congue, risus lectus adipiscing metus, sit amet tempus justo
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App Development
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Recent Projects page
“Nunc tristique rutrum euismod. Quisque vestibulum, velit eget tincidunt egestas, dui est varius elit”
Testimonials at the end. But they should appear in the first main page of the website. Is there a way to change the time of changing them or is the same as the “Slide Duration
Slide visibility in second”
I do not want the main page displaying “April 14, 2015Uncategorized Edit”
Is there a way of removing it?
Thanks a lot