• There are many posts about putting flash in your posts, but ppl still post questions. And ive just recently tried to do it myself and there are so many ways to do it, not all of them easy and some didnt work etc.. so here is a quick list of the fastest and easiest way I got things working..

    This involves downloading 3 plugins, which enable you to embed SWF and FLV files.
    (Note: Multiples levels dont load in the SWF, the FLV files will automatically be loaded into a player with the usual controls including fullscreen.)

    1 a) Download the Flash Video Player from
    Jeroen’s website.

    b) unzip flash_flv_player.zip, Transfer the following files to your wordpress root directory: ufo.js, flvplayer.swf and fullscreen.html
    c) Edit your WordPress Theme header template file to include the following code, between the head tags:

    <script type=”text/javascript” src=”ufo.js”></script>

    2 a) Download FLV EMBED from here.

    b) unzip flash_flv_player.zip, Copy to Plugins Directory (‘wproot’/wp-content/plugins/) and activate under the plugins menu

    3 a) Download PB-Embedz from pascal-berkhahn. Dont worry its in german, just download, unzip and copy to plugins directory.

    your ready!

    4 a) POSTING A FLV

    code – [flv:URL width height]
    eg – [flv:https://www.website.com/name.flv 400 200]

    code – [flash URL VALUES]
    eg – [flash https://wwww.website.com/name.swf w=200 h=300]

    Might sound difficult but its quite easy, and its the first one to work immediately for me.

    As always, enter code in the CODE mode only, not under the VISUAL editor.

    Let me know if you find this useful, difficult, wrong whatever..

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  • how do you get it to place a .jpg with the video ? i have one named correctly but it still wont place it with the video

    so does this allow you to embed flash from any site on the net? or does it have to be on your server? if its any site then i might well try this for something ive just been creating a link to up until now.

    pb-embedflash can embed any flash (*.swf or video-hosters) from any site. The flv-mediaplayer from Jeroen ist limited to “the server where the player uploaded to”, that means you can embed the player remotely and then the flv on that server, too, but not flv-files on other servers than the player (for security purpose).

    I want to mention, that pb-embedflash also plays flv-files with Jeroen’s Media Player, so you just have to use one plugin and one download (the media player is included in the download). If you need more functions, post it into the comments.

    Thread Starter barnz2k


    Update: Yes pb-embedflash WILL do FLVs too! and much more ??
    The link I noted is also broken, so get it from here


    b) unzip flash_flv_player.zip, Transfer the following files to your wordpress root directory: ufo.js, flvplayer.swf and fullscreen.html

    Cannot find ufo.js or fullscreen.html in this package. There is swfobject.js and ._flvplayer.html. Are these the ones you mean?

    Thanks so much for your help.

    I tried those plugins with the latest version of WordPress and it does not work. Is there any chance to add a flash object on my blog using a plugin?

    pb-embedFlash still works with WordPress 2.3.1.

    Example: my website – click on “McDiddys – A Counter-Strike Cartoon”

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