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  • Login to your wordpress site and go to the plugin’s menu. There is a documentation section in the menu which will provide you with shortcodes for setup.


    [videowhisper_videos playlist=”” category_id=”” order_by=”” perpage=”” perrow=”” select_category=”1″ select_order=”1″ select_page=”1″ include_css=”1″ id=””]

    Displays video list. Loads and updates by AJAX. Optional parameters: video playlist name, maximum videos per page, maximum videos per row.
    order_by: post_date / video-views / video-lastview
    select attributes enable controls to select category, order, page
    include_css: includes the styles (disable if already loaded once on same page)
    id is used to allow multiple instances on same page (leave blank to generate)

    [videowhisper_upload playlist=”” category=”” owner=””]

    Displays interface to upload videos.
    playlist: If not defined owner name is used as playlist for regular users. Admins with edit_users capability can write any playlist name. Multiple playlists can be provided as comma separated values.
    category: If not define a dropdown is listed.
    owner: User is default owner. Only admins with edit_users capability can use different.

    [videowhisper_import path=”” playlist=”” category=”” owner=””]

    Displays interface to import videos.
    path: Path where to import from.
    playlist: If not defined owner name is used as playlist for regular users. Admins with edit_users capability can write any playlist name. Multiple playlists can be provided as comma separated values.
    category: If not define a dropdown is listed.
    owner: User is default owner. Only admins with edit_users capability can use different.

    [videowhisper_player video=”0″]

    Displays video player. Video post ID is required.

    [videowhisper_preview video=”0″]

    Displays video preview (snapshot) with link to video post. Video post ID is required. Used to display VOD inaccessible items.

    [videowhisper_playlist name=”playlist-name”]

    Displays playlist player.

    [videowhisper_player_html source=”” source_type=”” poster=”” width=”” height=””]

    Displays configured HTML5 player for a specified video source.
    Ex. [videowhisper_player_html source=”″ type=”video/mp4″ poster=””%5D

    [videowhisper_embed_code source=”” source_type=”” poster=”” width=”” height=””]

    Displays html5 embed code.


    If playlists don’t show up right on your theme, copy taxonomy-playlist.php from this plugin folder to your theme folder.

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