Hi, sorry. Thought what I posted might give a clue. Turning on WP_DEBUG gave some insight. The plugin is downloaded fine but still throws an error.
Installation failed:
"success": true,
"data": {
"install": "plugin",
"slug": "contact-form-7",
"pluginName": "Contact Form 7",
"debug": [
"Downloading installation package from https:\\/\\/downloads.www.remarpro.com\\/plugin\\/contact-form-…",
"The authenticity of contact-form- could not be verified as no signature was found.",
"Unpacking the package…",
"Installing the plugin…",
"Plugin installed successfully."
"activateUrl": "https:\\/\\/domain.tld\\/wp-admin\\/plugins.php?_wpnonce=0d180c78c8&action=activate&plugin=contact-form-7\\/wp-contact-form-7.php"
Weird bug, I did more testing and turns out when disabling these options makes it work fine but then it also makes the plugin pointless. There are no PHP errors, no logs either /var/log and /wp-content directories.
php.ini = https://wpbin.io/4xalrk
Could just be my setup, once again.
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by