• Is there any way to turn off the feature which requires me to validate any comments on my blog from within mySQL?
    My webhost blocks access to the page “options-discussion.php” because there is filtering software to help inforce their TOS and it is picking up on something in this file.

    Is there any way of turning off the comment moderation in the my SQL so I do not need to access this page?

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  • Under Options > Discussion, but I highly recommend that you either get your host to fix this problem or switch to a decent host.

    Thread Starter londondude


    I know where the page is but my problem is that when I click on the page I get a 403 error. I know my webhost blocks certain words using filtering software so it is likely to be this. They do not however release the list of words for security reasons. They are the best webhost I have had so I am reluctant to change. We have already figured out that they block the word “credit-card” so they might also block “blacklist” which appears in the page in question.

    Sorry, I misread your question.

    Look in the table wp_options for the option_name “comment_moderation” and change option_value to 0.

    Your host must be fantastically cheap and provide tons of features for you to put up with that abuse. Good luck.

    Thread Starter londondude


    thanks for the help.
    I am using a free web host (too young to get a credit card in the UK) but they provide quite a lot and it’s not banner supported.
    They have been the best free webspace provider I have ever used. The only other one I have used that offered a service close to this was terribly unreliable and about a month after I left they folded

    Thanks Again

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