• scormeny


    I feel like a goof, but I just upgraded to version 2.6.3 from version 2.2.1, and I am finding that any time a new user registers herself, I get an email notification as the owner of the blog.

    I don’t want to receive email notifications every time someone registers as a new user — can I turn that off somewhere? I can’t seem to find an option for that on any control panel.

    Many thanks for advice!

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  • Dgold


    Easiest way might be, set up a filter in your email (whatever email software you use). Filter the messages that have that same subject line, and send them to your Trash, or your Archives, or a special email box.

    Thread Starter scormeny


    Yeah, but since I create these websites for a living, I also need to do this for my clients, and I’d rather find a wordpress-based solution. But I appreciate the creative thinking, dgold!

    This worked for me.

    Edit the pluggables.php file in the includes directory.

    remove or comment out the following lines:

    $message  = sprintf(__('New user registration on your blog %s:'), get_option('blogname')) . "\r\n\r\n";
    	$message .= sprintf(__('Username: %s'), $user_login) . "\r\n\r\n";
    	$message .= sprintf(__('E-mail: %s'), $user_email) . "\r\n";
    	@wp_mail(get_option('admin_email'), sprintf(__('[%s] New User Registration'), get_option('blogname')), $message);

    Registration works as it should, but you won’t get an admin email notification.

    Install the “Register-Plus” Addon.. ADDON PAGE

    The check box is at the bottom of the Register Plus admin page in your dashboard. It’s easy, and has all the options you need. Even image security.

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