But I don’t want to remove
s I want to stop wordpress from adding
around every block of text in my post. I want to be able to create my own markup because the wordpress wpautop filter is worthless to me. I despise it. All I want, is to have my post interpreted as straight up html – thats it!
I don’t want to remove all
s from my post because I want to be able to use them as I see fit. So I don’t want to do string replacements.
Allusion says
just use remove_filter
Nuclear Moose says
remove_filter('the_content', 'wpautop');
Neither provide any details as to how or where we are supposed to use this. or is this just something I chant while holding a crucifix?
Where am I supposed to put that?
I am so godammed tired of fighting with worpdress over these p tags.
WHY does it still put them around everything I do?
I have read every single post on this website, and participated in every discussion yet I am unable to remove this ridiculous behavior.
For the record, so far I have
1) unchecked “correct invalidly nested XHTML automatically”
2) gone into “template-functions-post.php” and commented out the line that reads add_filter("the_content", "wpautop");
(as suggested here
3) checked “Use legacy my-hacks.php file support” 4) created a “my-hacks.php” file with the following lines:
remove_filter("the_content", "wpautop");
remove_filter("the_excerpt", "wpautop");
remove_filter("comment_text", "wpautop");
5) removed all whitespace from my markup before pasting it into wordpress.
6) tried alternate versions of wordpress, including nightlies, hoping there is a bug somewhere.
None of these measures or combinations thereof have mattered. I have been very conscious of clearing my cache and even creating brand new test posts – nothing works.
Using WordPress 1.2.2