• May May right?

    I’d dying to get this plugin working, and I just can’t figure it out. It’s not that hard, and it seems to be working for others. I just installed tumblrize 1.4 running on WP 3.0.1

    Under Settings > Tumblrize
    I have my tumblr email and password (I’ve double and triple checked this). Use tumblr group, I have left blank.

    On my Posts, at the bottom, Crosspost to Tumblr says YES, then I press update. Then I get the above error. I have gotten it to work twice, just by chance.

    I’ve done more testing, trying to narrow the problem down, and I just get more and more confused. Here is an example of what I have just done.

    Post A received the above error and wont crosspost to tumblr. I create a new post called Test, paste the contents of Post A into Test, and it crossposts! I delete Test, then go back to Post A and try to Update/Post. Again, I get the same error.



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  • You did everything correct. The problem was an error where a certain combination of user-specific credentials and plugin-wide fallback credentials created a login failure. (Thank you for providing a description of what you tried!)

    If you’re not using the per-user feature of Tumblrize, then you can safely update to version 1.4.1, which is in the WordPress directory now. If you have multiple WordPress users publishing to a Tumblr blog through Tumblrize, then you need to install version 1.4.2, which I hope will be in the WordPress directory any day now.

    Thanks for using Tumblrize. ??

    I’m having the same problems as kharr212, exactly, while using 1.4.1 (it’s just me, not multiple users). What is the issue here? I haven’t once been able to get a test post to go up on tumblr.

    Any help is appreciated!

    Like I said, update to 1.4.2.

    I originally had 1.4.2, then when i saw your response to kharr212, i gave 1.4.1 a shot, just to test it. Both gave the same error; neither worked.

    Is there anything else i can help you with to solve this? info abut my settings, etc?

    Thanks again!

    I originally had 1.4.2, then when i saw your response to kharr212, i gave 1.4.1 a shot, just to test it. Both gave the same error; neither worked.

    Oh. Hm, that’s sad. ??

    Is there anything else i can help you with to solve this? info abut my settings, etc

    Yeah. On line 287 and 288 of tumblrize.php (the plugin file), there is some commented-out code. Do you feel comfortable uncommenting that, trying again, and posting the output here? (Afterwards, put the comments back so everything works as intended again.)

    Thanks again!

    Sure thing.

    Tumblrize was working fantastically until, I believe, I updated my wordpress installation. Because I could not pinpoint when this started to happen, and after many attempts to update the configuration, I figured that it had to be data related.

    So, I un-installed the plugin–with the Tumblrize checkbox option checked for deleting all of the data from the database when uninstalling Tumblrize, and then re-installed.

    It works perfectly again…

    So, while it may be a “hack” solution, performing a classic uninstall/reinstall should do the trick for all of those having issues. Given the simplicity of the configuration interface, it would take far less time for those stuck with this problem to do this than to beat their heads against a wall trying to figure out what the problem is, when it probably is *not* related to the Tumblrize app, rather their data.

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