• Hello!

    I wanted to change the theme for my website, I’m really a newbie when it comes to html and php, even if I tried lots of times to customize a bit my themes.
    For my site I wanted a Tumblr theme, and I know they are completely different from WordPress’, concerning the codes.
    I looked in the forums (not just here on wp.org, all over the internet) how to convert a Tumblr theme into a WP one, but they just say that it’s like converting a simple html theme into a php. I tried to follow more than one guide on how to do so, but I never got any results with Tumblr themes, they seems to have some parts that are missing in the guides I follow, and viceversa, all the Tumblr themes I like seem to miss the header part, so that I don’t know how to structure my WP theme.

    This is the theme I’d like to put on my blog, this is its preview, and this is my site.

    If someone could help me or give me an hint on how to do so I would be very grateful. None of the so-called “tumblr style wordpress themes” I found online are nearly similar to the Tumblr themes I wanted.

    Thank you!

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  • Unfortunately, there’s not really a “hint” to give you about this kind of thing – it’s quite complex to make a non-WP site into a WP site and really does require knowledge of coding.

    It might be easier to start with a “tumblr style wordpress theme” and modify the appearance to what you want – are any of them close at all?

    EDIT – also should have included this link –


    Thread Starter laragazzaconlavaligia


    I feared that..

    I thought of getting a similar theme and modify it, but WP themes always seem to have the base header+body+(sidebar)+(footer).. what I’d like is a theme with no header, the infos that are normally in the header (like blog title and logo) in the sidebar, no footer at all, and in the body posts that show up in a masonry layout.

    Is there at least a way on WP to not have a header?

    I tried to read what it says in that link a while ago, and also tried to use it to learn to create a very simple and basic theme just to see if I was able to understand at least the basis of theme development, but all I got was a homepage with a bunch of random letters, sigh ??

    The header.php and footer.php do more than just add content to your site. They contain critical WordPress functions needed to ensure that the theme works effectively.

    Thread Starter laragazzaconlavaligia


    This means that there is no way to remove them in a WP theme, I guess, or it might compromise the functionality of the theme itself, isn’t it?

    In a pre-existing theme, yes. If you were building your own theme, you could possibly roll the header and footer into a single index.php template file but I think you’d find the structure of that one, large, file quite difficult to wrangle compared to a more modular approach.

    Thread Starter laragazzaconlavaligia


    So basically the only way is to build a brand new theme (which I’m currently not able to LOL), knowing that there will be problems to handle it because of the heaviness of index.php?

    I think that, if you’re not reasonably comfortable with creating/modifying themes, creating a single template theme would be rather overwhelming. It would be better if you started with a decent basic theme – like v – forked it and started customising it to suit your needs bit by bit. It really is the best way to learn.

    Thread Starter laragazzaconlavaligia


    Yeah, I’m definitely not comfortable with creating themes. I’m quite fine in modifying, but mostly on how everything looks, so CSS and maybe reorganize where things like comments, likes, and cute dividers go, but nothing more than that.

    I’ll try to slowly build my knowledge about how themes work by changing bit by bit and then try again in the future to build something more.

    Thank you for your advice and time!

    No problem. You may also want to bookmark Theme Development for future reference.

    Thread Starter laragazzaconlavaligia


    Alright! Thanks!

    Check out the Montezuma theme. You can customize the appearance of each section of the page pretty easily by editing the virtual subtemplates. For example, if you don’t want a header to appear, just clear out the contents of the header.php virtual subtemplate. The get_header() function still gets called from the main templates, it’s just that nothing appears visually in the header if you clear out the header subtemplate. Add a sidebar to the left, to the right, two sidebars to the left, whatever you want. And you should be able to drag over a menu widget into a sidebar. The only thing is that you’ll have to learn how to edit the virtual PHP templates, but it’s not hard once you get the hang of it. The virtual CSS files also make it very easy to change the appearance of just about any element.

    Here’s a quick example on a sandbox page of mine that took me less than a minute to remove the header.

    @crouchingbruin: Can I ask what you connection with the Montezuma theme is? 28 of your last 30 posts have been about this theme.

    I’m not a developer of the theme, or otherwise connected to it, I am just a very happy user of the theme, and I appreciate it enough where I try to help others out as much as I can. Sorry if I’m overly exuberant about it.

    No problem. I just wondered if you were part of the theme’s development team. ??

    Thread Starter laragazzaconlavaligia


    Now I’m going to sound like a real rookie, but I have no idea of what a virtual subtemplate is :S

    Searching around anyway I found something that is quite similar to what I had in my mind, it’s this Pronto Theme. I think I will also download the Montezuma so I can try them both and understand which one is the easiest to customize the way I want.

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