• Hi,

    I enjoyed this plugin. it’s great!

    I tried to translate this plugin, and I found some error messages not translated.
    Most of error messages can be translated with po.file, but those in changing profile are not translated.

    And I translated like this. so, just share.
    I think maybe this is not the best way…but I don’t know php so much…so acceptable for now.

    change line 63 in wpuf-editprofile.php

    $message = $errors->get_error_message();

    $message = $errors->get_error_code();
    $message = str_replace('pass','<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter your password twice.', $message);

    The message(ERROR: Please enter your password twice.)
    can be changed as you like.

    I hope it will upgrade sometime soon.



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