• Hi .. I’m working on a web site for a local charity. They want to use contact form 7 (which is what we’re already using) to send a pre-formatted html email (containing inline CSS) when a user submits the contact form. The HTML looks fine when I put it in a file and point a browser at it. However, I just cannot get WPCF& to send anything that ends up looking sensible (using Thunderbird email client). If I select the option ‘HTML message, wpcf7 inserts breaks and paragraphs so if this is the first 3 lines of my html
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    This is what gets put into the message …
    p><!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv=3D”Content-Type” content=3D”text/html; charset=3D=
    UTF-8″ /></p>
    <p> <!– Facebook sharing information tags –>
    <meta property=3D”og:title” content=3D”*|MC:SUBJECT|*” /></p>
    <p> <title>*|MC:SUBJECT|*</title></p>
    <style type=3D”text/css”>

    If I turn off the HTML message box, the message gets sent plain but the mime type is text/plain.

    I guess that what I need is to send the html ‘asis’ but with mime type text/html.

    Any idea how I can achieve this please (or how to send pre-formatted css/html with wpcf7 anyway ?


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