Instead of using tables it would be much better to wrap each row in a div and float the images left then put the description/price etc. in a span and float it left then style the span to go under the images.
Here is a quick example of the html you could add to the post (make sure you are using the HTML editor and not the visual:
<div class="product-row">
<img src="" width="150" height="150" alt="picture here" /><span class="description">Black/Teal Silky Falls<br />Price: $40.00<br /><a href="#">Details</a></span>
<img src="" width="150" height="150" alt="picture here" /><span class="description">Black/TealSilky Falls<br />Price: $40.00<br /><a href="#">Details</a></span>
<img src="" width="150" height="150" alt="picture here" /><span class="description">Black/Teal Silky Falls<br />Price: $40.00<br /><a href="#">Details</a></span>
Then add this to your css:
.product-row img { float:left; padding:10px;}
span.description { float:left;margin-top: 180px;margin-left: -150px; }
Here is a screen shot of what the above html and css look like: