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  • Plugin Author Tim W


    Check your server logs for errors and post them here.
    if there are none, try enabling wordpress debug mode so they appear.

    Thread Starter flomei


    I set WP_DEBUG to true in the wp-config.php and tried to access the page again. There are no error messages in the log, just the normal GET requests but the page is still blank. Or did you mean something different?

    Plugin Author Tim W


    GET requests appear in the access logs. PHP errors should appear in the error logs. If the error logs don’t exist alongside the access logs then ask your hosting provider.

    If the error logs are empty then chances are that PHP is not configured correctly to log errors. If you don’t know how to configure this then – again – ask your hosting provider.

    A completely blank page almost always means a fatal PHP error. An error so bad that WordPress cannot continue with a friendly explanation. Fatal errors should always be logged. Without them we can only guess as to the root cause.

    Plugin Author Tim W


    Have you found any evidence of PHP errors yet?

    Thread Starter flomei


    Sorry, had to do some other work but returned to this now.

    I just checked the error logs with WP_DEBUG set to true, but there are no log entries.

    Any ideas how to go on? Doesn′t matter what I click on in the plugin, I just get the white page…

    Plugin Author Tim W


    Then it sounds like your server isn’t configured properly to log PHP errors.
    If you can’t fix this yourself, then contact your hosting provider for help. Tell them PHP errors are not being logged, and they must ensure that they are.

    I can’t help until you post your error logs, or find some other evidence of what has gone wrong.

    Plugin Author Tim W


    The latest Development Version fixes some fatal errors caused by missing PHP extensions.

    Feel free to try this out in case your problem is one of those fixed.

    Otherwise I need to either see an error log, or I need to close this ticket.

    Thread Starter flomei


    It works now. Seems like the new version did it. ??

    Thank you!

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