• Hello folks.

    I’m kind of new in wordpress and i like what im discovering. Although, i cant figure out a good way to do what i have in mind. Maybe some of you can help me about that.

    Im trying to add this feature to my website based on blank theme with wordpress:

    I would like that people are able to upload their pictures over my website.
    Then, these pictures would go automatically in another page (or the same one, it’s not important) as a gallery. A masonry gallery would be perfect.

    I tried frontend upload pluggin, which is nice, but it only put the picture in the “medias” stuff. How could i do to transfer them without any human actions (regardless the non-validation issues) ?

    Thanx a lot if you have clue to make me search and eventually find this
    Thanx even more if you have the solution ??

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