• Resolved delphineblanc


    Hi! I am having a question regarding the page that lists all the events I have created in wordpress. As you can see in the image, the title of the event reads very funny and takes a lot of space which makes it quite inconvenient to navigate. Did anyone have the same issue? How can I fix it? Thanks in advance for your help.

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  • Hi @delphineblanc,

    It looks like something is affecting the column widths or there may be too many columns.

    One suggestion may be to untick unused column boxes in the WP-ADMIN → Events → Screen Options section (top right corner).

    Or you can try adjusting the columns width using a third-party plugin –?Admin Columns.?This plugin is free, and you can also find it in the Plugin Directory in your WP Dashboard.?


    Thread Starter delphineblanc


    Hi Rob, thank you soooooo much! I followed your first suggestion and it worked like a charm.

    Thank you for your prompt response and wishing you the best for these last few days of 2023.


    Plugin Support Darian


    Hi @delphineblanc

    Thanks for your confirmation and I’m glad that it is now working.

    If you have a minute, a great review from you would be amazing!


    Please do not hesitate to start a new thread if you have other issues at all. This allows us to track topics/issues efficiently and follow the WordPress Forum Guidelines.

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