• I’m using the Multipass plugin to create an SSO login link to TenderApp.

    Works fine.

    Except I’m trying to add a link to the TenderApp forum in the menu.

    In the header.php file of the theme I’m doing the following:

    function my_forum_wrap() {
    				if (memb_is_loggedin()) {
    					$url =  multipass();
    					$link =  "<a href='".$url."' target='_blank'>Forum</a>";
    					$wrap  = '<ul id="%1$s" class="%2$s">';
    					$wrap .= '%3$s';
    					$wrap .= "<li class='menu-item'>".$link."</li></ul>";
    					return $wrap;
    					'theme_location' => 'topbar',
    					'menu_id' => 'topbar-menu',
    					'depth' => defined('SO_IS_PREMIUM') ? 2 : 1,
    					'fallback_cb' => 'pitch_fallback_nav',
    					'walker' => new Pitch_Walker_Nav_Menu,
    					'items_wrap' => my_forum_wrap(),

    When I run it like this it breaks the function and no menu is outputted. If I just echo multipass() it spits out the URL on the screen just fine. If i just hardcode a random URL in there, it works fine. I’ve done a var_dump of what multipass() is returning and it’s just a string URL that looks like this: https://esupport-forum.tenderapp.com?sso=nWxbYLxasdfS1ILXQx%2B9jKTUiit9qlR5hY%2FZFm8gD5hHgfstHi0Wk7r4MglfCY27esUhn00JkaszuD6bfdsB9rMMcSPG%2FhOasdX8HowBnZv8bczooWRQvJ4Qbs2z79L4ZpmWsGoW6kas7S4cp3jsq7CuMFQTHdVnZfd1vPDs2CsWp90ispQgfdrQoh3z35yTo%3D I can’t understand why putting the URL into the wp_nav_menu function breaks it.

    Any ideas?

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