• Whenever I try to add a short code weather I use HTML tab or the regular tab it seems like I have problems with my videos showing up and now I’m trying to add a shopping cart and It just does not seem to work. I have two different blogs one of them is with Patchwork and the other one is with twenty twelve but I’m just now building that second one. Can’t say yet weather it works there or not. I have trouble with YouTube videos and now I have a shopping cart I am trying to make.

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  • What’s your site URL?

    What shortcodes are you trying to use?

    Thread Starter SoManyCrafts


    So are you too is a real pain to get to show up. After messing with it for a half an hour eight will work. I’m really concerned because this weekend I am going to be adding a shopping cart I also have trouble with slideshows

    What’s your site URL?

    What shortcodes are you trying to use?

    Thread Starter SoManyCrafts


    The site url that I am talking about is https://www.somanycrafts.com I post youtube videos and try to post slide shows. I can post slide shows sometimes with the wordpress gallery when it shows up, or I install a plugin and sometimes it works, sometimes not. I hate the look of a wordpress slideshow when it gives me an option to give one. I had one that made the whole screen grey and a nice slideshow presentation would go but that was so long ago I don’t remember how I used the plug in. Or which one it was because I have tried several, yes I deactivate them when I am not using them. Right now I have to learn NextGen like the back of my hand. That requires a short code as well. I would change settings, delete the page I had the slide show running on, and redo the whole thing because I do know you can’t change the settings once you have made the slide show. So I would go in and redo it all. Same result. I am not sure I am making sense here, so let’s start with the simple YouTube.

    I take the code youtube gives me I copy and paste it on it’s own line. I publish. I see the short code, I go back… copy and paste HTML. Publish, nothing shows but blank area where the show is suppose to be. Same thing with the embedded code. Start all over. Eventually something works but not the same thing every time. I got frustrated and downloaded a plug in called youtube, wow that didn’t do anything.

    Now I am going to be working on putting a shopping cart in a password protected area, to sell some photos. If the shortcodes are not working I can’t see the shopping cart. It was a couple days ago that I did it. I have to refresh to tell you exactly what I saw.

    So that helps some – it looks like you are using JetPack shortcodes and that you have a lot of plugins. Plugins can conflict with each other, so that might be what’s going on.

    Unfortunately, there isn’t an easy way to track down intermittent or inconsistent issues or plugin conflicts – it’s generally a process of elimination – starting with deactivating ALL plugins and switching to the default theme. Then start testing what works and what doesn’t as you activate plugins one by one.

    For specific plugin issues, you need to post on the forums for that plugin – i.e. for JetPack here:


    As for the videos, if they are on YouTube you should be able to just paste the link to the video – into your editor –


    You should also be aware that NGG has had many major problems in the past few months since their big update – have you looked at their forum?


    Thread Starter SoManyCrafts


    Good to know especially with NextGen because I was going to use them for a whole different site for a portfolio. Good slideshow plugins are hard to come by even just in the searches finding what kind of features are for you. The wordpress slideshow feature sometimes doesn’t even pop up when creating a gallery.

    I don’t know how to add anything to my editor, other than how to to get to it. Then when I am there, there is many tabs for templates to choose from. I have no idea where to go.

    I surely appreciate your time.


    Thread Starter SoManyCrafts


    ok, going to read your links now… maybe it tells me in the link. Is Jetpack recommended? I don’t even really like it but I watched a wordpress tv video and they seemed to think it is a MUST.

    JetPack has some cool features, but it can be troublesome sometimes because it’s such a complex plugin and requires connecting to WordPress.COM. It’s also possible to use just some of JetPack’s features, so if you only want some, that’s possible too. I certainly don’t think you “must” use it!

    Have you looked for another slideshow plugin? This one has pretty great ratings and is used by a lot of people – generally good signs:


    I know it’s confusing and a lot of things to figure out how to do, but really, take one thing at a time so you don’t just get more and more complications piled on top of each other :). That makes it much easier to solve problems.

    Thread Starter SoManyCrafts


    Yes I had that plug in and every time I tried to use it when I went to view the page, I just got arrows on the outside edges of where the slides should show. After awhile (huge slideshow btw) some little dots in a box would show up but didn’t stick around long enough to click on just a few then started over again. I disabled jetpack just to see what it would do, you said that I am using jetpack’s short codes I don’t know how to disable that feature. I just got rid of it all together after downloading my .cvs file for contacts. Other then that, disabling really didn’t do much for me, my stats were way off from “count per day’s” stats and it got rid of some side bar images and subscribe by email, that is about it.

    I am playing with my shopping cart plugin right now that is suppose to have have a slideshow gallery with it, it also has a way to connect with NextGen but I haven’t gotten that far and after having heard how NextGen is having issues I thought I would give this ugly a go since you can add to cart as the slideshow runs but again, (mentioned on another thread for another site I am building) when I click on the paper clip, to link my slideshow page, my box doesn’t show up so I go to HTML mode (not to smart here, but know how to insert a code) I highlighted the area I wanted linked and it didn’t work. It linked but to a page, but when I go to view, it can’t be found. When I did randomly see the slideshow page (the one that came with the plugin), for some reason only one image showed. But that part is the plugin I imagine. I thought if I am having trouble with my short codes, I would have to start that process of elimination before I can get the shopping cart to work. Computers are fun but a curse! This one is a real pita. I contacted support but well.. that’s a whole different story.

    Thread Starter SoManyCrafts


    I do try to keep my repeat plugins inactive and only use one at a time. I may have missed one though.

    Computers are fun but a curse! This one is a real pita.

    LOL – yeah, definitely true sometimes :). And yeah, you do need to talk to the plugin people directly.

    Also, if you switch between text and visual editors that strips out code – so that might be part of the problem if you are doing that?

    Thread Starter SoManyCrafts


    Yes and no. I got tired of working on it I think I’m going to give it a freak Break. Not freak. Stupid tablet won’t let me edit on forums!

    Thread Starter SoManyCrafts


    Also, if you switch between text and visual editors that strips out code – so that might be part of the problem if you are doing that?

    So If I can’t use the paper clip button then what do I do because I will put it in HTML publish and the link will not appear and the first link that was there, will be gone too. Why is the paper clip button not working anyway? I have never had that problem. Then I tried it on my other theme and it did the same, it has never happened before.

    Thread Starter SoManyCrafts


    I even tried to make it in word, linking the images and then copy and pasting, some worked some didn’t some went to the wrong link but in html it all looked like it was going through to the right place, I think WP is just wonky right now with the new upgrade.

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