Trouble with Radio Button and Act-On
I am trying to create a redirect that includes a radio button that goes through Act-On and then ends up in SalesForce. When the form goes through JUST SalesForce with the radio button, the information passes through to SalesForce just fine. However, when I try directing it through Act-On (which then directs it through SalesForce), nothing shows up.
I turned on the Debug mode, and this is the error message I received, but I don’t really understand what it all means. We’ve built other forms that go through Act-On that have worked just fine, so I’m wondering if it has something to do with the radio button? Is this something you can help with? Thanks
*** Service *** Array ( [name] => Act-On - Email Preferences [url] => [forms] => Array ( [0] => 13193 ) [success] => [mapping] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [val] => 1 [cf7] => Jama Website Email Preferences [3rd] => Lead Type ) [1] => Array ( [val] => 1 [cf7] => Direct [3rd] => Original Lead Source ) [2] => Array ( [cf7] => Email Opt Out [3rd] => Email Opt Out ) [3] => Array ( [cf7] => email [3rd] => email ) [4] => Array ( [cf7] => cid [3rd] => ao_campid ) ) [separator] => , ) *** Post (Form) *** Array ( [_wpcf7] => 13193 [_wpcf7_version] => 3.5.3 [_wpcf7_locale] => [_wpcf7_unit_tag] => wpcf7-f13193-p13194-o1 [_wpnonce] => f18b88bf2f [email] => [email protected] [optout] => 1 [cid] => [_wpcf7_is_ajax_call] => 1 ) *** Post (to Service) *** Array ( [Lead Type] => Jama Website Email Preferences [Original Lead Source] => Direct [email] => [email protected] [ao_campid] => ) *** Response *** Array ( [headers] => Array ( [server] => Apache-Coyote/1.1 [content-type] => text/html;charset=UTF-8 [date] => Thu, 27 Mar 2014 22:14:59 GMT [connection] => close [set-cookie] => ACTON=ACTON_101; path=/ ) [body] => <html> <head> <title>User submit no preview</title> <!-- SERVER NAME: 101 ON: 101 VERSION: 8.4 Build 2014-03-20 @ 15:46 --> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <script type="text/javascript"> var contextPath = '/acton'; </script> <!-- ========== COMMON.CSS ========== --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/acton/common.css"> <!-- ========== IE 6 Transparent PNG Fix ========== --> <!-- ========== OVERLIB ========== --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/acton/overlib.js" ></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // Override overlib styles var ol_fgcolor = "#FFFFFF"; var ol_bgcolor = "#999999"; </script> <!-- ========== JQUERYUI ========== --> <!-- ========== JQUERY (REALLY LOAD) ========== --> <!-- ========== JQUERY (REALLY LOAD) ========== --> <!-- ========== Acton UI ========== --> <!-- ========== PROTOTYPE.JS ========== --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/acton/prototype.js"></script> <!-- ========== SCRIPTACULOUS ELEMENTS ========== --> <!-- ========== COMMON.JS ========== --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/acton/common.js?ts=1395360591998" ></script> <!-- ========== COMMON.JS OVERRIDES ========== --> <script type="text/javascript"> // NOTE: This overrides the popupWindow() method in common.js. popupWindow = function (url, w, h, windowName) { var left = (screen.width - w) / 2; var top = (screen.height - h) / 2; var attr = "left=" + left + ",top=" + top + ",width=" + w + ",height=" + h; attr += ",modal=yes,dependent=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,toobar=no,location=no,status=no"; windowName = (typeof windowName == 'undefined') ? 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if ( the_towerOfBabel ) { the_towerOfBabel.babelizeWords(args); } else { waitingQueue.push({method:'babelizeWords', args:args}); } } function doConfirm(msg, callbackFn) { var args = {confirmMsg:msg, callbackFn:callbackFn}; if ( the_towerOfBabel ) { the_towerOfBabel.doConfirm(args); } else { waitingQueue.push({method:'doConfirm', args:args}); } } function verifyConfirm(confirmMsg, verifyMsg, callbackFn) { var args = {'confirmMsg':confirmMsg,'verifyMsg':verifyMsg, 'callbackFn':callbackFn}; if( the_towerOfBabel ) { the_towerOfBabel.doConfirmVerify( args ); } else { waitingQueue.push({method:'doConfirmVerify', args:args}); } } function doPrompt(promptMsg, defaultValue, callbackFn) { var args = {'promptMsg': promptMsg,'defaultValue': defaultValue,'callbackFn': callbackFn}; if ( the_towerOfBabel ) { the_towerOfBabel.doPrompt(args); } else { waitingQueue.push({method:'doPrompt', args:args}); } } function showMsg(msg, callbackFn) { var args = {'content': msg,'callbackFn': callbackFn}; if ( the_towerOfBabel ) { the_towerOfBabel.doAlert(args); 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