• Resolved chfisher


    1. I have a sidebar on my blog feed page I am trying to remove. The website is https://www.millsgradenglish.org. The post page is “News”. Going into Appearance > Customize > Blog Feed doesn’t give me the option to turnoff the sidebar. I have gone into Appearance > Customize > Pages and done so, but it still shows.

    2. Even though I’ve clicked “Featured Image” for Post Page Banner, there is no image showing.

    3. On the homepage, in the 4 columns section, there is no description. When I go into the Pages section to edit, there is no “excerpt” box to add one. So how do I add it?

    Here is a document showing all of this. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxO4aH0ofT2jSDZqOGk1N1U4NEE/view?usp=sharing

    • This topic was modified 8 years ago by chfisher.
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  • Theme Author lyrathemes


    For the new pages, since it is a posts page, the banner that will show up will be the “Custom Header”. Please set up a custom header and that will automatically show up on the posts page.

    For the sidebar, I am afraid the theme doesn’t support a posts page without a sidebar. We do have a pro version where we show the posts in a grid (2 in a row) when the sidebar is hidden.

    For the 4 columns section: In order to explicitly specify an excerpt for a post or a page, go to the page/post edit screen. Click on “Screen Options” in the top right. See this screenshot: https://prntscr.com/csmy4q It would open a ‘drawer’ like this: https://prntscr.com/csmyaj Make sure “Excerpt” is checked. Now scroll down to see the “Excerpt” field (it should be after the content editor): https://prntscr.com/csmzcg Whatever you enter in here will be shown on the home page and any place where the post/page excerpts are being displayed.

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