• Resolved jadi100


    DK PDF was so far the only PDF-plugin, that really did the things I wanted the do (and I’ve tested a lot). It was perfect! Unfortunately since an update of my theme (MesoColumn) I get in trouble with the input pages for “pages” and “posts” created in the WP-dashboard. After deaktivating and reaktivating all plugins I found out that DK PDF is the trouble maker. For example, all pulldown-menues on the right side (in two-column layout) are not working or color-choice fields for categories (integrated by the theme) are not working. Also other useful plugins for adding data like “tiny-mcr advanced” or “fruitful shortcodes” are not working anymore. When I deactivate DK PDF everything works fine.

    (The PDF itself produced by DK PDF is not affected. Its still looking good.)

    Any idea what the problem could be? Thanks for any hint. It would be too bad, if dk pdf is lost for me (I cannot change the theme in the short term.). I will also contact the theme-support.


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  • Plugin Author dinamiko


    Hi jadi100,

    I just tested using MesoColumn theme in both local and live and I don’t see any errors:
    I assume that you’re using this theme, is that correct?

    If it’s possible, paste here an URL here where I can see the problem.

    Do this:
    – Leave active only theme (MesoColumn) and DK PDF plugin, nothing else.
    the problem persists?
    – If so, change the Theme temporally to default WordPress theme or another.
    the problem persists?

    do this and tell me, thanks.


    Thread Starter jadi100


    Hi dinamiko,

    yes, that’s the theme I meant.
    I cannot give you a URL. Its the WP-Dashboard that’s not working correctly anymore. The page itself is ok (not online yet).
    I deactivated all plugins execpt DK PDF. The problem persists.
    With another theme (here “twenty fiveteen”) – no problem.
    Back to MesoColumn. Problem again there.

    Please test the following in your installation:
    Pages > Create Page > In the upper right corner is a field for choosing color saying “Choose Page color” and “Add page color for custom menue”. In my installation the text is there, but no input field to actually choose the color. Also all drop-downs on the right side do not react on a klick. Only when I deactivate DK PDF the color input field appears and the drop-downs work. Same with creating a post > category (there the color choice is in the lower left corner – title “color” is there but no input field).
    These are only two examples of the weird behaviour.

    Plugin Author dinamiko


    Hi jadi100,

    I found the problem, there is a conflict with js library farbtastic (color selectors), I created the issue here: https://github.com/Dinamiko/dk-pdf/issues/23

    this will be solved in the next version of DK PDF, meanwhile go to dk-pdf / assets / js / settings-admin.js and comment or delete the first block of code, like this:

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
        /***** Colour picker *****/
    /* comment start here
        $('.colorpicker').each( function() {
            $(this).farbtastic( $(this).closest('.color-picker').find('.color') );
        $('.color').click(function() {
        $(document).mousedown(function() {
            $('.colorpicker').each(function() {
                var display = $(this).css('display');
                if ( display == 'block' )
    comment ends here */


    Thread Starter jadi100


    Hi again,

    that’s it. Everything seems to work now. Great support!!! Will review.

    BIG thanks!

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