Thanks for the help HandySolo!
Here is where I am. I downloaded and installed and activated the plugin you suggested might be helpful. I wrote preformatted text directly into the “Page Content” box on a “Write Page” page on WordPress. That text was contained within a “pre” and “code” tags. This worked. Leading spaces were recognized and rendered.
However, when I put the same code in an HTML document and call that document for inclusion using a PHP code the leading spaces were not recognized and, therefore, not rendered.
Now, here is a thought.
Currently, I utilize a plugin (Exec-PHP) to allow PHP commands from within a post.
I then utilize the following code (sufficiently modified so as not to execute a code in this post – at least I hope so) to include the content of an html file on a WordPress Page:
“? php require (“https://locationoffile.html”); ?”
This code is contained with “phpcode” tags.
By previous experimentation, I learned that if I replace in the html file, the first leading space in any line with “ ” all spaces which follow the leading space are rendered.
So, here is what I am wondering. Is there a way through 1) modifying Exec-PHP, modifying the php command, using an additional php command, or even creating another plugin, to replace all occurrences of a ‘linebreak followed by a leading space’ with a ‘linebreak followed by “ ”‘.
I’m afraid I don’t have the knowledge to know how to make that happen, but I think that would do the trick.
To see the results of what I have describe, please visit my test page at:
Again, any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.