• I have looked at every facebook like button available for wordpress and I like yours the best. I like having both a Like and a Share button–also your layout is simple and clean and flexible–I would love to stay with it. Unfortunately I just cannot seem to understand what the Like and Share buttons are supposed to do. I was the coordinator for Lucid Puppy Linux from 2010-2012 so I am not a total moron, but I think the problem is that I don’t really understand facebook. Anyway, I have no trouble writing and posting blog articles. I am able to use the facebook developers url debugger to make sure the articles look good on my blog’s facebook page and will look good when they are shared. Clicking the article on the facebook page opens the blog article reliably and properly. If people click Like or Share on the facebook page the proper things seem to happen and the Like and Share numbers are incremented. If people click Like or Share on the facebook page, the number on on the blog seems to increment also.

    What I don’t understand is what the buttons on the blog are supposed to do. I assumed that they would operate identically to the corresponding buttons on the facebook page. If someone clicks Share on the blog it should do the same as if they click share on the facebook page and the number of shares should be incremented, and if someone clicks Like on the blog it should similarly increment the Like number on the facebook page. But it seems like if someone clicks Like on the blog it just goes away into the ozone.

    What I want is that all the Likes whether they are clicked on the blog or the facebook page or even on a share that results from the blog or the facebook page, should be summed together on the facebook page–or just on either one. It seems like facebook is behaving as I would expect and can even tell me what number of likes are direct and what number result from shares, etc., but the connection between the wordpress blog and facebook does not behave as I expect. I mean, if the like and share numbers don’t bounce back to facebook, why should I have them on the blog anyway, at least the Like button?

    I am worried that I am writing some hellacious articles but I am screwing up the connection between the blog and facebook and losing some numbers. I should say I do no advertising whatsoever, no tracking, no invasion of privacy, there is no money involved at all in any way, just like open source linux. This is also a labor of love.

    OK, sorry for the babbling. I would be happy to make a donation if you can help me out of this confusion. I think this stuff might be so obvious that no one explains it in simple terms.

    The blog is longtimethinking.com and the facebook page is facebook.com/longtimethinking.com. I assume you can probably see my email, so if you would like to consult for reasonable compensation, just email me. Thank you. At least probably some people will find this amusing ??


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