Thank you Jake, here’s the screenshot:
Here’s the code:
<img class=”wp-image-1316 alignleft no-border” style=”border: 0px none;” alt=”K2MCompassGraphicFINAL” src=”” width=”178″ height=”179″ />In addition to making a difference in the lives of patients around the world, K2M is also committed to being a responsible corporate citizen by giving back to the community, both locally and globally.
Decisions to fund programs are made by members of senior management based on documentation provided for bona fide support of donations. Donations and charitable requests are not provided to encourage or reward the prescription, purchase, ordering or recommending of K2M product. Donations and charitable requests are determined independently without regard to the volume or dollar value of either any current business or that which may potentially be generated by the program sponsor.
<img class=”alignleft size-full wp-image-2106″ alt=”Donations_Footer_800px_gradient3″ src=”” width=”800″ height=”150″ />
[accordion title=”Product Donations for Indigent Care”]
K2M supports requests for the donation of implants for indigent or uninsured patients. For each product donation request, appropriate signatures from the hospital must be obtained verifying that no third party payor will be charged for the surgery and/or the services performed in conjunction with the surgery.
Surgeons requesting a product donation for an indigent patient must complete the below form obtaining the needed signatures and submit the form prior to the surgery’s occurrence.
[accordion title=”Product Donations for Medical Missions”]
K2M supports requests for medical mission donations that meet the below criteria:
Requestors are affiliated with a nonprofit organization interested in medical missions
Requestors are qualified medical professionals with the ability to use and prescribe the items requested
Items requested will only be used for patients who are uninsured and unable to afford the services
All required authorizations for regulatory, import, and export requirements will be obtained by the requesting nonprofit
Such donation requests are reviewed on a biannual basis in June and December.
[accordion title=”Community Involvement”]
K2M is very proud of its global and local philanthropic efforts, our 260+ local employees are strong advocates for giving back to the local community they live and work in through a range of efforts.?.
K2M’s global and community involvement includes:
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[one_half_last padding=”0 60px 0 60px”]
[accordion title=”General Charitable Requests”]
K2M supports requests from nonprofit organizations interested in supporting people through charitable programs. Contributions are made to the global community through worthwhile organizations that are aligned with K2M’s mission and values. Such donation requests are reviewed on a biannual basis in June and December.
Donation requests should meet the below criteria:
Requests must be from a qualified nonprofit with documentation of 501(c)(3) tax exempt status or equivalent documentation of tax exempt status