• Bryan Mayo


    For those of you who are still dealing with the issue of inserting images with captions and linking the image I have made a modification that works. Basically it just rearranges the elements so the anchor tag is outside of the caption.

    In the file ckeditor-for-wordpress/plugins/wpgallery/plugin.js at line 249 you have

    return function( data )

    add a new line after that and add

    data = data.replace(/\[caption(.*?)\](<a[^>]+?>)([^>]+?>)(<\/a>)(.*?)\[\/caption\]/mig, function(match, captionAttr, anchorTag, imgTag, anchorClose, captionText){console.debug(anchorTag); return anchorTag+'[caption'+captionAttr+']'+imgTag+captionText+'[/caption]</a>';});


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