• I successfully exported my wordpress.com blog contents, saved the file, then went through the process of importing to the new www.remarpro.com blog. It won’t work. Absolutely NONE of the information was transferred over. I tried 3 times. The guy at Jetpack help said the issue was now beyond his scope and I should check these forums for help. Can anyone give me advice on what to do???

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  • This is a pretty good instruction list. Why don’t you read, go thru all the steps and see if you have success? https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-properly-move-your-blog-from-wordpress-com-to-wordpress-org/

    Thread Starter feastsandfotos


    Thanks janet4now. Unfortunately the instructions in that article are exactly what I did yesterday 3 times and today again, once. It’s not working. After I assigned the user name and clicked download all, I get an hourglass for a few minutes. Once it’s done I get a list a few pages long, each line stating “media so and so already exists”… And absolutely nothing was imported. Any other suggestions??

    I think wordpress.com will move the site for you (for a fee) or you can try and post a request here on the jobs link https://jobs.wordpress.net/.

    I think someone would have to be able to look at your files, etc. to help beyond providing the basic instructions as you don’t have a specific issue, just that you did everything and it’s just not working.

    Thread Starter feastsandfotos


    What type of request should I post on that jobs page? At this point it seems like I will be stuck paying for the transfer, which annoys me because I’m following the instructions perfectly and it’s not working, which means it’s an issue on the WordPress side.

    What type of request should I post on that jobs page?

    explain what you want done.

    You can try and ask your new hosting company for help. Sometimes they will assist on a first install. It’s worth a shot.

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