Trouble Importing Custom Field
I have a custom field which is a dropdown with a direct relationship to a taxonomy.
On an export, the term name shows as an array like this:
a:12:{s:7:”term_id”;s:4:”2190″;s:4:”name”;s:13:”Richard Example”;s:4:”slug”;s:13:”richard-serra”;s:10:”term_group”;s:1:”0″;s:16:”term_taxonomy_id”;s:4:”2190″;s:8:”taxonomy”;s:6:”artist”;s:11:”description”;s:0:””;s:6:”parent”;s:1:”0″;s:5:”count”;s:1:”1″;s:9:”object_id”;s:5:”13461″;s:10:”term_order”;s:1:”0″;s:11:”pod_item_id”;s:4:”2190″;}
That’s for each item, and I have thousands of items that it could be (thousands of names).
Inserting just the name doesn’t work.
And I have tried using the “serialized” option by using:
taxonomy: artist
name: (the mapped name that I pull over)This doesn’t work either. ANy help pointing me in the right direction?
Also, new records are not being created. All of these “artist” names have already been added to the taxonomy. I just want the correct name selected.
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