Your going to have to have FTP or SSH access to the site in order to fix the issue. Below are some steps you can take:
1) First, do you have a “clean” back-up of your site, if so, just restore it from that.
2) If #1 doesn’t apply, do the following, check all .htaccess files, index.php files and any include files or theme files you may be using.
3) Also, check above your web directory (usually above public_html, httpdocs, html, etc) for an .htaccess file that will override anything in your web directory.
4) Remove any code that you find in your “legitimate” files that matches any of the following (Note – this isn’t an all exhaustive list, it’s the most common issues I’ve seen):
a. “eval(base64_decode(…..”
b. “edoced_46esab…”
c. “getMama…”
d. “115,99,114,105,112,116….”
e. “document.write(‘<iframe…..”
5) Look for any php files in any image, css, upload, download, etc directories that would not normally have a php file in them. Check the file contents for base64 strings and thing that point to it being a php shell such as “FilesMan”, “c999sh”. If you find files like this, DELETE THEM.
6) Once you’ve cleaned your site – UPGRADE it if you are not running the latest version to remove any possible publicly available vulnerabilities.
7) Also I would recommend checking permissions; files should be at 644 and directories at 755 (this depends on your hosting company/server – this is the most common setting). Change your cPanel and FTP passwords.
8) Once you have completed all those steps, go to and if you don’t already have an account create one (Obviously if you have one – skip this step).
9) Once you’ve created your account, add your site, then on the left hand side, click on “Health”, “Malware” . If they have you flagged, and you have cleaned your site, submit it for re-evaluation. This usually will take between 48-72 hours before you are cleared.
Hope this helps