Trouble combining a sort with a filter on custom field
I have a hard-coded wp_query to have a ‘featured customer story’ on my website. It filters for the top (1) post, and that is set to ‘1’ on a boolean Advanced Custom Field called featured_content.
I have an ajax_load_more listing all customer stories – but I do not want to include the featured post described above.
I found examples of omitting results based on meta_key, but when I tried different things based on examples and forum posts I’ve found I could never get it to work.
[ajax_load_more id="2347893455" container_type="div" post_type="customer_story" posts_per_page="6" orderby="meta_value" meta_key="customer_story_type" order="DESC"]
I need to keep the orderby=”meta_value” meta_key=”customer_story_type” order=”DESC” part because I need a certain type of post to be listed before another, but need to add to this query to eliminate that featured post.
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