• I am really, really, new to wordpress so please forgive me if I blunder along here. As a favor to a friend, I moved a wordpress site to a different server with some help from GoDaddy on the ph.

    Everything’s up and looking good, except that none of the E-mails from the Health assessment (survey) go to the E-mail addresses that are entered. I have looked at all of the places that I could find to change this, but nothing seems to work. I did successfully change the Contact Me form so that it goes to the correct address, but the survey called: Health Assessment just doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do.

    Please help me… I don’t know what to do and my friend is screaming at me…

    Thank you so much in advance… Here’s the site:


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  • The health assessment survey is presumably in a plugin. Are there plugin options for setting this ? Look in DASHBOARD > Settings (your plugin may be there, or browse through all of them).

    Otherwise search the database for the email address, search the files for the email address.

    Thread Starter SoCalBoy55


    Thank you Ross,

    I’ve done everything you’ve mentioned in your 1st paragraph before posting here. I know this may sound stupid on my part, but… How do I search the database? I see no search field. Again, thank you so much for your help in this matter…

    Do a backup of the database, this will give you a .sql file, load it in a text editor and search, the environment in which you find the email address will tell you how it is getting used. Or having found where the email address is, go in with your database browsing and hacking tool like phpmyadmin, and change it there.

    Thread Starter SoCalBoy55


    Hello Ross,

    I have made a backup of the database, opened it in TextWrangler and did a search. I found 141 occurrences of the bogus E-mail address. Because of the high number, I decided to do a “find and replace” and all seems well.

    This, of course, is only residing on my computer and not on the server, so nothing’s changed yet on the site. I’ve looked in many places and poked a lot of things and cannot find how to replace the old database with my updated one that’s on my computer. Where do I go from here for answers? Any help you can provide on this is deeply appreciated, and thank you for all of the wonderful help you’ve provided so far.

    To get the edited database back into your website, you use the phpmyadmin SQL browser.
    (Presumably your file is a .sql format as against .csv etc).
    Along the top edge you have IMPORT, just feed it your file. Of course this will undo any changes since you did your backup.

    On the other hand there is a plugin which will do a search/replace upon the database.

    Thread Starter SoCalBoy55


    Hello again Ross,

    First, I’d like to express my gratitude for your wonderful and unwavering help through all of this. I really appreciate all the time and effort you’ve put in.

    I still haven’t had success updating the site. I have uploaded the newly corrected database through phpmyadmin SQL like you said (yes, it’s .sql format), but nothing’s changed. I have reviewed the site, and have sent the survey form, but nobody’s receiving it. I’m totally stumped. Where do I go from here?

    Still crossing my fingers… ??

    I am wondering now if your web hosting is configured to send emails.

    When you login to the site, there is a “Lost Password” link, please click on it, this should send you an email with a password reset link, what I am interested in is that yoyu get this email. Do not click on the link in the email, just ignore it.

    If the email does not arrive, then talk to your web hosting.

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