Thanks for your question and for providing the details on your rule settings; very helpful. I know that MLA has a lot of features and it can be challenging to find the solution to a specific need.
You wrote “I would like to be able to see the file size and the file type“. I am not sure what you mean by “file type”, but you can see the MIME Type for any item with a standard MLA column. Click on the “Screen Options” control in Media/Assistant admin screen and check the box next to “MIME Type”. That will display values such as “image/jpeg” for your JPG items. If you want to see the file extension information you can click on the “Base File” entry.
For the “file size”, size_pixels may not be the best choice. If you want the number of pixels in the full size version of an image file you should pick “pixels” for your data source. If you want the number of bytes in the file itself, try “file_size” for your data source.
In your settings the “Meta/Template” value is not used; it only applies when the “Data Source” is “Metadata” or “Template”.
You wrote “it is not showing up“. Does that mean the column is not displayed in the table or that the values for each item are blank/empty?
For your “file_size” rule I would try the following settings:
Quick edit: file_size
Data Source: file_size
Meta/templte: (leave blank)
MLA column: Box Checked, Quick edit: box unchecked, Bulk edit: box unchecked
Existing text: Replace
Format: Native
Option: Text
Delete NULL Values: box checked
Status: active
Then, click the “Execute” rollover action for your rule to re-map the values for your items.
If you don’t see the “file_size” column in the Media/Assistant submenu table pull down the “Screen Options” area and make sure that “file_size” is listed and the box next to it is checked.
I hope that gets you closer to your goal. I will leave this topic unresolved in case you have problems or further questions regarding the above suggestions. Thanks for your interest in the plugin.