• Hi there,

    Some help desperately needed please. I’ve been having a lot of problems with my computer lately…crashes, freezes, malware etc…

    It seems that something has dumped a Trojan horse into my site.
    When i went to check on my site, regardless of what topic i press in my menu…Avast pops up blocking Trojan Horse.

    How do i get rid of this PLEASEEEEEEEEE


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  • You deleted wp-contents folder? – It is a mistake!

    This is simple instructions, step by step in case of infection:

    First – turn-off page in .htaccess file.
    Next, check files by modyfication time and look into server logs.
    Then, by FTP remove wp-admin and wp-config catalog ….and replace it by fresh copy from latest wp package. Replace all files in wp root directory.
    Remove all plugins and upload a fresh copy’s.

    Check all non-modified files eg. wp-config.php, .htaccess, in themes (if possible, replace by a fresh/backup copy) and upload folder. Find and remove malicous code in non-modified files and remove all backdoors hidden in the new, non-standard files.
    After cleaning, secure your wp – set permissions, add fixes to .htaccess, check your theme – if timthumb is used – update and secure it.
    On end, turn-on your page.

    Thread Starter Raw Twig


    You are kidding me right? I was told to delete it out of the new “wordpress” file/dload.

    No-one told me to delete wp-admin and wp-config prior to uploading new.

    I have ended up with a right mess in my server. It killed my site cos files were missing so i had to go back in to server files…restore the ones that had gone missing so i could get the site back up. Then it reloaded all the trojan files i had manually deleted…DAMN.

    I’m not sure what to do with your instructions now. If i just delete everything what will happen to the contents i put in..e.g..pics , writing…etc?

    I was told to delete it out of the new “wordpress” file/dload.

    You were told to remove the wp-contents folder from the new copy of WordPress that you downloaded. This was an attempt to stop you from over-writing your existing wp-content folder.

    No-one told me to delete wp-admin and wp-config prior to uploading new.

    Oh yes you were:
    “Open a ftp session to your server and upload everything except for the wp-contents directory that you just deleted.”

    You need to read & follow any instruction carefully & slowly.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    You are kidding me right? I was told to delete it out of the new “wordpress” file/dload.

    No-one told me to delete wp-admin and wp-config prior to uploading new.

    I’m really sorry you’re having a rough time of it, but see the first part of my reply up above?


    I can’t stress it enough: Do not hesitate, do not look for a short cut, please make and save that full file and database backup right now and put that somewhere safe. It’s your get out of jail card and will help you if you delete something that you didn’t intend to.

    That will not delouse your WordPress installation, the other links discuss that. But it will help you get out of a hole when you want your uploads back.

    Thread Starter Raw Twig


    Thanks for the replies, I have found someone that is going to redo the whole site. Apparently the trojan that i have has encrypted stuff through everything/everywhere. Even this guy says he has never seen anything this bad.

    Once again Thank you…

    @esmi….apologies yes i was….but when you havent a clue as to what you are doing (ftp) you tend to concentrate on trying to learn what to do in one thing rather than “all” at once.

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