@ Esmi : I also have another method to track where malware comes from, I always wondered if it wouldn’t be worth being included in some official help page.
Could I ask you your opinion ?
It’s an ugly lengthy method, but it does miracles, allowing to find EXACTLY what part of one’s blog is loading malware. It worked several times on various websites.
The requirement : to be able to systematically get an “infection !!” alert, with your antivirus software, with Adblock’s list of blockable elements, or whatever software you like.
– open your blog’s homepage. Get the alert : good.
– ask your browser the source code of your blog, copy-paste it into your notepad (or any better text editor, all hail notepad++), save it as an .html file on your hard disk, let’s say home.html
– make sure that opening the .html file triggers the infection warning (it should)
– now, using the text editor, split the html file in two halves, let’s say home1.html and home2.html
– open each of them one after the other in your browser : only one of them should trigger the infection warning
– open again the html file triggering the infection warning, split it in halves again (like home2a.html and home2b.html)…
– and split it in as many halves as required, until the moment there’s only a very short block of code that is triggering the infection. In the end, you may need to hit F5 a few times to trigger the infection warning.
At this point, this short block of code should be only the call for one precise plugin, or one wordpress function.
-> And voilà, you’ve got your culprit, and you know where to investigate the source of the mess.