• AWKampen



    My problem is as follows:

    When users post a reaction, I get a ‘duplicate reactions’ story from WordPress. This happens every time, without exceptions.
    I wasn’t able to solve this problem, but I do have a very strong inclination as to where the problem originates.
    My hosting was bought out by a different company and the PLESK-system was renewed. My database kept working, though. Without a glitch.
    But then I tried to make a back-up of said database. It didn’t work. My password wasn’t recognized, although it was the correct one.
    My hosting helped me to correct this problem. Apparently the minimum requirements of a password had changed quite drastically. My password worked, when WordPress connected, but it didn’t work when I tried to enter PHPMyAdmin. Then the security-messures kicked in.
    But… we fixed it. I changed the password in PHPMyAdmin and also in wpconfig.php and on we went.
    Since then the problems with duplicate reactions started.

    I tried the fix-option from within WordPress, by using WP_ALLOW_REPAIR, but that didn’t fix it.

    I tried fixing the database from within PHPMyAdmin, but that didn’t do the trick either.

    So I sought help with the Hosting again. They sent me, after trying several things themselves, a link with the comment that this was the same problem and contained the solution:


    But, and now we have arrived at my problem, I don’t understand the solution that post provides. Triggers? Statements? Database import script?

    Please help me understand what I need to do to fix this problem!

    [ No bumping please. ]

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