Hi @saurabhdemos
Thank you for getting in touch.
Let me see if I understand this correctly. A popup will show when a visitor loads the URL https://example.com/pagename/#popupid
We think the Advanced Targeting Conditions (ATC) – Query Argument Exists with a trigger Time Delay/Auto Open can achieve your requirement.
However, it will use a URL as https://example.com/pagename/?popupid
Here’s what the advanced rule will look:
Here’s how it displays on a website:
It will only show the popup if the argument is present on the web address.
For more insights, please visit our extension page and article:
Advanced Targeting Conditions (extension page)
Set a Popup Condition Based on a Query Argument or Query Name-Value Pair (article)
We hope that helps. Please let us know if you have questions.
Thank you!