Trigger popup from a Buttom
How do you trigger a Popup from a SiteOrgin Button (or any other button)?
Thank you….
@rmtaylor – have you checked our the getting started guide on our site. I think it has exactly what your looking for.
You will want to look at #2 or #3. Getting Started – Opening a Popup
#2 can be used anywhere you have access to add a class. #3 is used for everything else but will require you to look at the code and find the right targeting.
For that I would recomend using your browsers developer tools. You can easily look through the HTML in a formatted easy to read way by right clicking on the button and selecting inspect in either Chrome or Firefox.
Using option #3 you will want to find some unique selectors so that only the item you want to target triggers the popup.
For instance if you see that a red button has a class of red-button and an id of red-button-3 you have a couple options. If you say want all red buttons to trigger said popup then you could simply enter
but if you wanted only that one button you could either do#red-button-3
or if say it were in a widget you could do.widget .red-button
Hope this helps. If you need more precises help please post a link. But as this is no longer an issue of support but rather finding the right selector I am going to close this ticket. Feel free to reply and I will gladly assist further.
I’m very new to this and I’m sure the answer is probably very simple.
On the Button setting I can only see one appropriate option:
– Destination URLDo I use that?
Hey rmtaylor – Sometimes like with shortcode buttons you can’t add classes, this is when you use #3 from the guide. You would need to see what code the shortcode is replaced with.
Should be something like
<button class="button-12 blue">Button</button>
You would then add to the custom selector field on your popup editor.
You will need to look at the source of your page and see what the button classes are.
This is utterly unhelpful. I went to you site and there is little documentation there. I used the sample in the help section and did this:
<img src=”popup-maker-icon.png” class=”popmake-1″ />
obviously, i changed the URL and the pop make class to mine which is popmake-768. Nothing worked. There is no instruction as to where I should place any classs, no video, and cursory documentation at best. It would be incredibly helpful if you did a short screen cast on how to link this to an image, button, etc. But I noticed your forum section is for paying customers only, so does that mean I must buy something in order to get that kind of support? Not an indictment, just asking so I understand. At this point, I am so confused as to how to open a popup with a button, I am ready to give up. It’s ridiculous.
Oh, yes I forgot. I looked everywhere for how to use this in conjunction with Ninja and Gravity forms. Found nothing. I am assuming it is by embedding the shortcode into the popup editor. However, I cannot get it to work, so I am unsure. A little help please.
Hey TJR – Sounds like your popup is not being loaded or more likely there is a JS error in your theme or another plugin that causes JS to stop functioning. This will prevent any popups from being opened.
Our sites forums are for paid support only as we are not allowed to provide support through
We do provide fast reliable support via the free forums so there is no need to pay unless you want an extension. We always try to resolve issues quickly.
That said please start a new ticket following the guidelines in our sticky post at the top of the forums. This will result in faster fixes and less back and forth before a solution can be found.
Our docs are still being written as the plugin originated as Easy Modal v3, but since it was an entire rewrite in every aspect and rebranded we have to write all new docs. Our dev docs and user guides are slowly coming out and are currently being written in order of use. IE if a user is looking for a specific function, we write the guide for that and link the user there as a response instead of responding directly. Allowing us to kill 2 birds with one stone.
Gravity & Ninja forms work out of the box just using standard methods to add them(shortcodes). They also work in conjunction with our analytics for automated conversion tracking.
Also the answer given in this post does not use the standard class system of opening a popup, but rather the field labeled Custom Selectors under the Click Open settings for a popup. There you can put any CSS selector such as #main .button and all elements with the class button inside the container with id main will trigger that popup.
Google jQuery Selectors and you can use them to target any element on a page to trigger the popup.
I don’t have a button to close. Already defined all my settings in my theme and none of my theme “close button” settings get applied. Only have some little black “x” at the bottom left of my popup to close. How do we fix this? Thanks.
@evanesnard – Best to start a new topic since this is an unrelated issue to the OP. Please also post a link so I can take a look at the problem and see what is going on.
@danieliser I just downloaded the Pop-up Maker plugin, and I can’t seem to get a Pop-up to show up at all. I’m using the Max theme and I was hoping to use your plugin to trigger a subscribe or signup popup form on a button click.
I’ve selected the ‘On Entire Site’ option under Targeting Conditions and I’ve tried both the Auto Open setting, the Admin Debug Setting and of course the Click Open Setting using various css classes and ids and I just can’t seem to get any popup to show up at all.
Any idea of what could be causing this?
It would also be interesting to hear if you could explain how I could link a popup with a mailchimp list or form.
@laura-ochoa – First it sounds like you got it set up correctly. I would need a link to see why it wasn’t working.
One of 2 things likely causing the failure. Either a JS error in your theme or another plugin causing all JS to stop running, this can be checked by opening your browsers console (f12) and then refreshing the page. Any errors will show up on the console tab.
#2 is less likely but would mean that either your theme isn’t using wp_footer() in the footer.php file or a PHP error is occuring preventing the popup and our JS from loading. You could check that file and your php error logs to see if this is the case.
As for the mailchimp form you can see an example of this on our site when you go to leave. We simply used the “Naked” embed form code from our Mailchimp Dash and pasted it into the text tab of the popups content editor.
Hope that helps.
I’ve read all the posts about how to get the popup working on click.
(When I have the popup set to appear on every page it does work and looks great. I need it to appear on click — not automatically though.)
I’ve tried all of the following but nothing is working.
[popup_trigger id=”popmake-get-button”]
Button for Your Site!
[/popup_trigger][popup_trigger id=666]Text Here[/popup_trigger]
[button type=”big” color=”red”] <span class=”popmake-684″>Popup</span>[/button]
[button] <span class=”popmake-684″>Popup</span>[/button]
[button class=”my-white-button” type=”rounded” size=”jumbo” title=”Get Button” icon=”check-sign” circle=”true”]Button for Your Site![/button]
So as you see, I’ve tried both method 2 and 3 as listed on
Please help / provide example of code that will make this work. Ideally, I want to use method 2 (not 3). Thank you!
@mtadams4 – If you popup is called Test and has an ID of 684 then the following will all work
[popup_trigger id="684"] Anything here including [button] Text [/button] [/popup_trigger] <span class="popmake-684"> [button] text [/button] </span>
If you have a link I can look at it may be more helpful figuring out what is going on.
Thank you Daniel for getting back quickly.
I tried your code but don’t have it working yet.
@mtadams4 – In this case looks like your popup isn’t set to load on that page. Edit the popup and use the Targeting Conditions to be sure it is set to load anywhere it will be used. Your buttons look correct though.
Hope that helps.
It’s working now! Thank you! I really appreciate you getting back quickly and also making a popup plugin that looks so sharp with all the features you made.
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