I would be more than happy to schedule a call and screenshare if you’re willing to. I hardly know js as you can tell ??
test webpage link
I added a test popup link above the map, a version of this popup is what we want to pop up once someone clicks on any state (region) on the map.
Here is a link to an image of the settings of the map – map settings
Here is a ling to an image of the js custom action details – js details
Here is the response from the Interactive World Maps plugin support
“Hi Drew
Looking at this code and what you’ve done so far, I believe each of your states, in the action value field, would only have the ID of the popup, so numbers like 8599 it seems.
Then you custom code would be:
var popupObj = SGPBPopup.createPopupObjById(parseInt(value));
Basically replacing your_second_popup_id_here from the example code with the integer provided in the action value of the clicked action.
From the side of my plugin that would be all you need. Clicking the state will trigger that code. But if you’re getting that error, then it means the popup code is not loading. For this particular error you’ll need to ask the popup developers again. Maybe it only loads the popup code if it exists on the URL somehow or is hidden in the page?”