• Hi everyone, how can i trigger another action or make whatever i need when the user pass the age restriction?, tried searching in the documentation, but almost all it’s “This documentation is missing or incomplete.”. I’m using v3 of age-gate


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  • Thread Starter lickybuay


    I know it’s not the best way, but made it work like this:


    document.querySelector('.age-gate__submit--yes').addEventListener('click', async (e) => {
    const header = {
    'accept': 'application/json',
    'content-type': 'application/json',
    'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'
    const email = document.getElementsByClassName("age-email-input")[0].value;
    const endpointUrl = https://yoursite.com/wp-json/yoursite/age-gate-email;
    const rawResponse = fetch(endpointUrl, {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: header,
    body: JSON.stringify({email: email })

    Theme Function.php

    function ageGateAddUser( WP_REST_Request $request ) {	
    	$parameters = $request->get_json_params();
    	$email = $parameters['email'];
    	//Do whatever you need here
    	return new WP_REST_Response($email);
     add_action( 'rest_api_init', function () {
    	register_rest_route( 'yoursite', 'age-gate-email', array(
    	  'methods' => 'POST',
    	  'callback' => 'ageGateAddUser',

    Plugin Author Phil


    Hi @lickybuay,

    Sorry for the delay. There’s a guide for doing exactly this in the docs (one of the few things that is actually filled out fully!)

    You can find it here: https://agegate.io/docs/v3/extending-age-gate/adding-custom-form-fields/advanced-example

    To store it, you’d use the age_gate/submission/success action. That one does need updating in the docs, but it takes three params $data is general age gate stuff, $errors (which will be an empty array as it’s successful) and $custom which is where you’d find and custom field data you have posted. Works in both PHP and JS modes of the plugin




    This answer seems very vague to me, I’m needing the same solution – a simple JS hook or call I can make to confirm if the Age Gate has been as success.

    Does anyone have some code they can share?
    A real shame the documentation is incomplete, I would have thought the need for a hook was more common if a site has other popups or interaction once Age Gate is done?

    Thanks in advance.



    Found another thread, for those landing here this works:-
    window.addEventListener(‘agegatepassed’, function () {
    // your call here

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