• It did no basic checking for requirements. I had 1 URL not set to https on my dev site and there were no options or information on the syncee WordPress Admin page. Had to contact support, then figure out which item in their list was missing.

    I moved to live site testing and it wouldn’t sync any products. After contacting support, it managed to sync 1 new product on each attempt. I ended up with a total of 3 products in my site, with the web interface on syncee’s website saying I only had 1. Support’s solution was to ask if I had verified all of the requirements, again.

    If a plugin can’t do it’s own basic checking for requirements, and it cannot reliably sync products, I’m not going to trust it to handle anything for customers.

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  • Hello,
    Thank you for your feedback, however, we have to highlight some facts for you.

    Wordpress some cases are unique becasue of the hosting solution, or server side settings. In its every aspect meaning there are requirements (you can see the requirements in our plugin description) at their side and at our side as well and it is especially true regarding WooCommerce.

    For example, in Woocommerce if you wish to create products with the same SKUs you already have in your store, it will cause obstacles for uploading these items, because at WooCommerce each product has to have a unique SKU.

    These requirements have to be met in order to get the product synchronization flawless into your store, that is why we offer a free plan with 25 products to test the integration and provide free support who do the best to send a reply to your requests as soon as possible.

    If you can get back to us, we will look into this issue further, you can contact us on chat through our website or send an e-mail to [email protected]

    Best regards,
    Syncee Support Team

    Thread Starter a


    I am fully aware plugins have requirements. My point is that it is not hard to do a basic check programmatically for your requirements and notify of any issues that may have been missed.

    I have Printful, Printify, and other plugins connecting to sites on this server without issues.

    Your support was contacted, and you at first stated you were receiving 500 errors. Both me and my host have reviewed the logs on the server and there were no 500 errors related to your plugin/connection. There were no other types of errors either.

    Your support’s final statement was “However, I regret to inform you that our developers have confirmed that they are not able to fix your issue.” and continuing to say the issue has to be on my end, that “can be a code or some settings on your server side (firewall for example), that is affecting the connection between the Syncee plugin and your store”.

    I would find it rather odd, though, that anything on my end could be blocking your website, considering your site sent me a final email (hours after I deleted my account) telling me that 2 products made it – meaning it synced a second, out of five, successfully.

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