• Resolved Aurovrata Venet


    Hi Scott,

    If a user trashes a wpcrm post_type, such as wpcrm-contact, it preserves the wpcrm meta fields, which may or may not exists once the trashed post is untrashed at a later stage.

    This is obviously a low-priority bug, but I thought I would report it here for your info. I am currently managing my own hooked functions, but I feel this is something that ought to be included into the core package.



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  • I just want to make sure I understand the issue you are reporting:

    1. You have a wpcrm-contact record
    2. You trash that individual record (i.e. click Move to Trash on the edit page)
    3. You restore that record from trash
    4. Meta fields (Address, Organization, phone, etc.) still exist for this record after it has been restored from trash.

    Point #4 is where I think I’m a little confused. I would think this information should remain with the post regardless of whether or not it was previously trashed. Unless you’re saying incorrect data is being saved:

    1. A contact was linked to an organization
    2. The organization is trashed
    3. The contact’s post_meta still indicates they are linked to the (now) non-existent organization

    Is this along the lines of what you’re referring to?

    Thread Starter Aurovrata Venet


    HI Scott

    thanks for the reply, yes this is what I meant, I didn’t go think through all the possibilities, but I am thinking that there are several possible scenarios that ought to be handled by the CRM.

    Point #4 is where I think I’m a little confused. I would think this information should remain with the post regardless of whether or not it was previously trashed.

    Yes, I agree with you, however, I feel that any meta_field which links the trashed wpcrm post to another wpcrm post-type should be unlinked so that we don’t have broken links. For example, if a wpcrm-contact post is trashed, its link to the organisation/opportunity/project/tasks should be un-linked, i.e. those organisation/opportunity/project/tasks post’s meta_fields linking it back to the trashed post should be reset too, else the links in those posts which point to the contact post would be broken.

    Similarly, if it is untrashed, these links should ideally be reset.

    Sorry for the delayed response, but this issue will be addressed in the next update.

    Thread Starter Aurovrata Venet


    hey no worries Scott, I am well aware of the cost of developing such plugins.

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