Lol…I did….darn it…
* Date: Tue, 02 Aug 2011 03:11:42 +0300
define('PUNCT_BREAKS', TRUE); // Will punctiations such as , . ( and such will break a phrase
define('NUM_BREAKS', TRUE); // Will a number break a phrase
define('ENT_BREAKS', TRUE); // Will an HTML entity break a phrase
* parserstats class - holds parser statistics
class parserstats {
I changed the trues to false and nothing changed. In the mean time, the whole plugin stopped working. Switching langauges doesn’t do anything anymore….well, not exactly….Some of the module titles get translated but most things do not. (if you look at the site, don’t get confused, there are a couple of articles written in Polish but most of it is in English.)
This was all working yesterday morning. I have a very active group of a couple of people who have been correcting translations for the last couple of weeks. Now, they are pretty much stuck.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think the little change I made caused this to not work. I changed it back obviously but it was during this time I noticed it stopped working.
Image of my settings
Something else, it says that I should have a cache plugin, such as wp-super cache…I do ?? Transposh doesn’t see it. Is there something I need to change?
Thanks again for a Great plugin.
ps. where might I find the human translations? The translations via google don’t break the sentences in the correct places because the grammar is pretty complex. We need to get into the ‘guts’ of the thing.
pss. I’m really not that blind, I just hadn’t looked before I lept. I know my way around wordpress and plugins, no programmer here but I can get around. One of those guys who knows enough to get into trouble but not enough to get out of it.