Translation strings keep getting lost
Hi all,
I use customizr as my theme and as a lot of you know, it’s not very compatible with WPML. That’s why I use Polylang as they work well together.
Today I upgraded the Profile Builder Hobbyist plugin I was using to the Pro version. To my great and pleasant surprise, unlike with the Hobbyist version upon upgrading to Profile Builder Pro, a number of new strings appeared under the Translation tab. Great news, right. Not so much ?? ??
All previous translation I had were lost. I re-translated everything, hit save. NO JOY. None of my translations were kept ?? ?? All reverted back to the default English version ?? ??
I realize this is due to an incompatibility of some sort and I can’t get Cozmoslabs’ Polylang shortcode to work (see
As anyone else encountered this problem and found a solution to it? If so, is it possible to explain to me, in dummy proof format, what the solution is?
Thanks in advance to all who reply.
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