Translation strings for reCaptcha
Hi there
I am doing a site in German and have managed to translate key aspects of the theme, but I am having problems with => reCaptcha found on the inbuilt contact form.
I could load the strings in Loco translator for translation in the contact form, but it seems none for reCaptcha are included.
These include:I’m not a robot.
Select all images with street name signs.
Select all images with doughnuts.
Select all images with pies.
Select all images with popcorn.
Select all images with salad.
Select all images with eggs.
Select all images with pizza.
Select all images with waffles.
Please select all matching images.
Select all images with candy.
Verify :
Select all images with ice cream.
Select all images with bananas.
Select all images with pancakes.
Select all the food.
Select all images with an Orange.
Select all images with french fries.
Select each image that contains the same type of object as the image in the top right. Then click Verify. To get a new challenge, click the reload icon. Learn more.How/where doing I get them from?
Thank u in advance
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