Translation issues
I have created a translation for dutch of your plugin, but I found some problems. Some items did not translate.
Recent Activity (in the tab) did not translate because in tabs.php line 10, there was a hardlink. Changed that line to
<?php if(get_option('sbl_option_recent')==Enabled) { echo '<li><a href="#nd_recently_viewed">';_e('Recent Activity', 'ninety');echo'</a></li>'; } else { echo ''; } ?>
Profile as a button did not translate because in the PO files it is referenced as “Edit Profile” while in the code it is referenced as “Profile”. Also, in the code it was hard linked. So I changed line 27 of logged-in.php to
<?php if(get_option('sbl_option_pro')==Enabled) { echo '<li><a href="/wp-admin/profile.php">';_e('Edit Profile','ninety');echo '</a></li>'; } else { echo ''; } ?>
The same goes for the Dashboard link. I did not change that because it is the same in Dutch.
The lost password link is also not translated. Changed line 19 in login-form.php to
<?php if(get_option('sbl_option_lost')==Enabled) { echo '<a class="forgotten" href="#nd_lost_password_form">';_e('Lost your password','ninety');echo '</a>'; } else { echo ''; } ?>
Last, but not least, when displaying the date of last login, the date format is in english instead of dutch. Changing the date format in line 12 in logged-in.php to date_i18n solved that problem. It looks like this now
if ($last_login = (int) get_user_meta($current_user->ID, 'nd_login_time', true)) echo '<p>'.__('You last logged in on ','ninety').date_i18n(__('l \t\h\e jS \of F, Y \a\t h:ia','nin ety'), $last_login).'.</p>';
Could you check if there modifications are correct and if so, incorporate them into the next release.
Also please add the dutch translation.
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