• Resolved despina.mina


    i followed the instructions from here https://cff.dwbooster.com/faq#q221 for translate the datepicker,but nothing happens.
    What could be wrong?
    Also,i wonder if is possible to change the font color of the Form.
    Currently i use the Dark Notebook Form template.
    Thank you

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  • Plugin Author codepeople


    Hi @despinamina,

    After upload the language file for the datepicker to the correct location: “/wp-content/plugins/calculated-fields-form/js/fields-public”, go to the settings page of the plugin, through the menu option: “Settings/Calculated Fields Form”, untick the checkbox: “Activate Javascript Cache”, and press the “Update” button, to the changes take effect.

    If you want modify the fonts color in the form, please, insert a “HTML Content” field in the form with the styles definition, similar to the following one:

    #fbuilder label{color:#FF0 !important}
    #fbuilder .fields input{color:#FF0 !important}
    #fbuilder .fields select{color:#FF0 !important}
    #fbuilder .fields span{color:#FF0 !important}
    #fbuilder .fields h2{color:#FF0 !important}

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter despina.mina


    Thank you,
    with this code it doesn’t changed the color of field that is above the datepicker.
    Can you tell me what i must to add?

    Plugin Author codepeople


    Hi @despinamina,

    In this case you should include a new style definition for the “hasDatepicker” class, similar to the following one:

    #fbuilder input.hasDatepicker{color:#FF0 !important;}

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter despina.mina


    this code is not worked.
    I mean this part https://prntscr.com/d71bge
    thank you



    Hi, I apologize for writing here, please inform Karen D. that the ticket #187257 on your support system is awaiting reply (it’s been 5 days)…


    Plugin Author codepeople


    Hi @despinamina,

    You are referring to the text with the instructions for users, in this case the style to define would be:

    #fbuilder span.uh{color:#FF0 !important;}

    Best regards.

    Plugin Author codepeople


    Hi @marcoguiotto,

    You already have updates in your ticket.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter despina.mina


    I’am sorry but not worked again!This is not the Instructions for User,but the Description.This is the part i mean. https://prntscr.com/d7x7cl
    Thank you

    Plugin Author codepeople


    Hello @despinamina,

    Thank you very much for the screenshot of the forms builder, the style to include in this case would be:

    #fbuilder .fform span{color:#FF0 !important;}

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter despina.mina


    ok.Done!Thank you

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