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  • @carloslongarela – thank you, we appreciate the offer!

    A significant portion of the plugin is translation-ready but we have not generated files for it. That’s not a major task, though, so I’ll add it to the list we’ve got going for the next release.

    Thread Starter Carlos Longarela


    Thanks @auth0josh I translated the readme to Spanish, you can view it here

    If you prepare plugin for translation I’ll translate it ASAP.

    Best regards.

    Thank you so much, @carloslongarela! Out of curiosity … how does that work if we push a change to that readme.txt file? It’s fairly up-to-date currently but still a work in progress.

    Working on the language domain code and PO file now!

    @carloslongarela – Spent some time last week finding untranslated strings and creating a POT file as well as an English translation. Those can be found here:

    This has not been released yet but this is hopefully enough to get started. Just an FYI though … there are a few more changes in the pipeline for the next release that will add strings to this translation so this is not a final version.

    Thread Starter Carlos Longarela


    Hi @auth0josh sorry because I miss your post. There’s isn’t problem if you add or change strings in readme file, to translators only appears new or changed strings.

    If plugin has correct domain tags and all is ok, would appear all strings for translation.

    In each plugin version always added new strings, a plugin never reach final version, but there is no problem for translation, only appears new and changed strings.

    Thread Starter Carlos Longarela


    Hi @auth0josh pull request with Spanish translation sent in

    For next translations, corre t method would be since

    Best regards.

    Awesome @carloslongarela, muchos gracias!

    For next translations, corre t method would be since

    Can you re-phrase? I’m not sure what you’re saying here. I see the notice on the translation page and I’ll look at what it’s saying there.

    Were you able to load the translation OK on your end?

    I see in Slack that there is a warning related to your translation:

    *Warning:* Missing tags from translation.
    *Original:* If you found a bug in the plugin code, please <a href="">submit an issue</a> or <a href="">create a pull request</a> on GitHub.
    *Translation:* Si encuentras un fallo en el código del plugin, por favor, <a href="" envía un problema</a> o <a href="">crea una petición pull</a> en GitHub.

    Looks like you’re missing a closing angle bracket.

    Thread Starter Carlos Longarela


    Sorry @auth0josh the phrase was: the correct method for translation would be from

    For correct translation plugin must have:
    Text Domain: wp-auth0
    Domain Path: /languages

    in WP_Auth0.php

    also in this file:

    Plugin Name: PLUGIN_NAME

    That is wrong. You can set Requires at least: 4.6 in readme.txt for translations…

    I use plugin in my local installation and didn’t load translations…

    Thread Starter Carlos Longarela


    I see in Slack that there is a warning related to your translation:

    Yes, I correct that translation yesterday, added the correct translation, but the erroneous string is maintained as log in the system, can’t be deleted, but all is ok now. You can view translated readme in

    OK, I will take a look and make sure that’s in an upcoming patch release.

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