create language specific file like bewlow
e.g ; “languages\min-max-quantities-for-woocommerce-ar_AE.po”
Below are step few step:
Steps for a successful translation process
Translating WordPress Theme is easy, but labor-intensive. All of our themes include a language file (.pot) to make translating to a different language possible. Once you’ve got your theme, open up the zip file and find the language folder (if you are using a quickstart package you will find the language folder in the following location: /wp-content/themes/gavickthemename/languages) and look for a language file named themename.pot, for example ShopAndBuy.pot.
Unfortunately, to display text in a foreign language, you have to create .po and .mo language files.
That’s why we suggest you use Poedit (, an easy to use open source program available for Mac OS X, Windows and UNIX/Linux. It is possible to use any text editor but it is much easier to use Poedit rather than a regular text edit so I strongly recommend you download it.
Open Poedit and go to File -> New catalog from POT file and select the POT in your theme’s languages folder.
A properties box will pop up asking you about general information. In the Language field enter the language name you want to translate.
When you click “OK” button you’ll be asked what you want to name your translation file. The name is important and there’s a particular format you will need to follow. Each language and country has a specific code you will need to use when saving translation files. For instance if you have translated a Gavick WordPress theme to Spanish you should use “es_ES.po” as the file name, or if you have translated it to German, then “de_DE.po” would be the correct naming structure. This will make sure that WordPress understands what language you are referring to.
Save your language file.
Now you can start translating the Gavick theme. Go through every line of text and translate it to the required language. The String translation mechanism allow for the replacing of texts in the original language with texts in other languages. Using this tool you or a hired translator cannot change anything else. They only translate the texts that you give them.
If you think that there is text that won’t require translation you may leave them as they are in the original language and you may translate them later if required. Below is example from the Polish translation process.