• Resolved MarionWante


    I am currently working on the Dutch translation for this plugin and created epl-nl_NL.mo and po files from epl.pot in the languages directory.
    I can see the Dutch translation on my site, but when I change to English everything stays in Dutch now. When I remove the Dutch translation everything is in English again. I use the mqtranslate-plugin, which usually works fine.
    Do you have any idea what I could be doing wrong?

    Marion Wante


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  • Plugin Author Merv Barrett


    Hi Marion

    I’m not familiar with that plugin for translation but will install it and see what I can find out.

    I’m new to this translation thing but am learning. This post is what I did to create the rough Italian version

    If you disable the mqtranslate and then add the following line to your wp-config.php file does the same problem occur?

    define (‘WPLANG’, ‘nl_NL’);

    I’ll test that plugin over the weekend and see what the issue is.

    Are you able to provide me the translated file on our support desk translation forum so I can test them.


    I’ll let you know my results

    Thanks for translating the plugin!

    Thread Starter MarionWante


    Hi there,
    The wp-config.php was allready defined with nl_NL. Dutch is the main language on the site.

    I suspect it has something to do with loading the translation-files.

    I will provide the translated files I have thusfar on the support forum. I’m not done translating them, but it is good enough for testing purposes. I use Poedit for translating files.

    Must be some tiny issue, but finding it can take up all your time. I’ve already spent hours searching for a solution.
    Hopefully we will get it right!

    Plugin Author Merv Barrett


    I’ve been playing with my installs and I think its a WordPress 4.0 issue.

    As in the plugin translation is not working for 4.0.

    The plugin translation works fine with 3.9, but my WP 4.0 doesn’t even translate at all.

    Are you able to use 3.9 to complete your translation and over the next few days, i’ll see why its rejecting the translation for 4.0 and keep you posted and push a plugin update.

    Thanks for finding the issue

    Plugin Author Merv Barrett


    Just found the same issue with another plugin, i’ll work on a fix.


    Thread Starter MarionWante


    This is a whole new perspective…….. I’ll see if I can downgrade to 3.9.

    Plugin Author Merv Barrett


    Ah, probably should have read it first.

    WordPress 4.0 has depreciated the WPLANG, these are the new steps as found in the link above.

    The below works for me but i’m not sure yet how to add dutch to the epl.pot file. I’ll figure it out over the next few days though ??


    It’s seems like you have defined WPLANG in 3.9.2 to hi_IN, so the plugin translation files where loaded.

    WPLANG is now deprecated and your whole installation has to be hi_IN.
    To enforce this try these steps:

    * Define WPLANG to hi_IN again
    * Go to wp-admin/options-general.php
    * Select your Site Language
    * (Optional) Go to wp-admin/update-core.php.
    * (Optional) Click “Update translations”, when available.
    * (Optional) Core translations files are downloaded, when available.

    Thread Starter MarionWante


    hi_IN is for hindi and indian languages….. I do not see the use of changing WPLANG to hi_IN?

    Thread Starter MarionWante


    You don’t have to add dutch to the epl.pot file. The file is okay. Anyone can make his own translation with the pot-file. The problem is loading the files when changing language.

    Plugin Author Merv Barrett


    What I did was add

    define (‘WPLANG’ , ‘nl_NL’);

    to the wp-config.php file the goto Dashboard > Settings > options

    Now at the bottom you can select your language, this is new in a WordPress 4.0

    But I think you need to first change the setting in Poedit to Dutch then save, as I think both files are set to Italian as I was only getting singles and Italian options

    Plugin Author Merv Barrett


    In Poedit goto the Catalogue > Properties > Language and set to Dutch then save.

    Thread Starter MarionWante


    wplang was already nl_NL on my site and also my language was set in the dashboard settings. And of course I saved to Dutch….

    Thread Starter MarionWante


    Anyway, the problem is not that I do not see the Dutch translation on the site, the problem is that the plugin defaults to Dutch when nl_NL mo/po files are in the translation directory and I cannot change to english anymore. So the translations are working but at the same time default to that language.

    Thread Starter MarionWante


    Hi Merv,

    I found a workaround the problem. Maybe this will bring you to new ideas.

    I use the plugin ‘mqtranslate’ to make the website bilingual, dutch and english. So when I press the according flag the site changes language on the frontend.
    The problem with your plugin is that it only shows the standard language as set in ‘define wplang’. So if this is set to ‘dutch’ your plugin shows in the dutch language. If I change ‘define wplang’ to english your plugin shows up in english. But…. it does not change in the admin or frontend when I change language.

    What does the trick is the following:
    I used mqtranslate codes in listing-meta.php to see what would happen.
    For example:
    if(isset($property_bedrooms) && $property_bedrooms != 0) {
    $i_bed = ‘<span title=”‘.__(‘<!–:en–>Bedrooms<!–:–><!–:nl–>Slaapkamers<!–:–>‘, ‘epl’).'” class=”icon beds”><span class=”icon-value”>’. $property_bedrooms . ‘</span></span>’;

    In content-listing-single.php I changed this:
    <h5 class=”tab-title”><?php _e(‘<!–:en–>Description<!–:–><!–:nl–>Omschrijving<!–:–>’, ‘epl’); ?></h5>

    Now when I view the admin or website and change language it will display ‘bedrooms’ for the english language and ‘slaapkamers’ for dutch etc.

    The idea was that through the dutch po-file this would happen automatically, but it doesn’t.

    Ofcourse I realize that changing the corefiles will cause problems with future updates of the plugin. I will have to be careful with that.

    Than again, in the admin I can change the ‘features’ easily because I can add new features in the dashboard directly in dutch and english and will not have to change corefiles. Also content I can directly add in two languages.

    I hope I have explained the problem better.


    Plugin Author Merv Barrett


    Hi Marion

    I’ve figured out what you are trying to do now with the mQtranslate plugin.

    Can you for now use the manual way to set the plugin language with WPLANG.

    I’ll do some more research on the best solution to implement, it will be us adding additional filters to the plugin so that the gettext will change dynamically when the user selects the language.

    I’ll keep you posted

    Thread Starter MarionWante


    Great! Many thanks in advance.

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