Hi Merv,
I found a workaround the problem. Maybe this will bring you to new ideas.
I use the plugin ‘mqtranslate’ to make the website bilingual, dutch and english. So when I press the according flag the site changes language on the frontend.
The problem with your plugin is that it only shows the standard language as set in ‘define wplang’. So if this is set to ‘dutch’ your plugin shows in the dutch language. If I change ‘define wplang’ to english your plugin shows up in english. But…. it does not change in the admin or frontend when I change language.
What does the trick is the following:
I used mqtranslate codes in listing-meta.php to see what would happen.
For example:
if(isset($property_bedrooms) && $property_bedrooms != 0) {
$i_bed = ‘<span title=”‘.__(‘<!–:en–>Bedrooms<!–:–><!–:nl–>Slaapkamers<!–:–>‘, ‘epl’).'” class=”icon beds”><span class=”icon-value”>’. $property_bedrooms . ‘</span></span>’;
In content-listing-single.php I changed this:
<h5 class=”tab-title”><?php _e(‘<!–:en–>Description<!–:–><!–:nl–>Omschrijving<!–:–>’, ‘epl’); ?></h5>
Now when I view the admin or website and change language it will display ‘bedrooms’ for the english language and ‘slaapkamers’ for dutch etc.
The idea was that through the dutch po-file this would happen automatically, but it doesn’t.
Ofcourse I realize that changing the corefiles will cause problems with future updates of the plugin. I will have to be careful with that.
Than again, in the admin I can change the ‘features’ easily because I can add new features in the dashboard directly in dutch and english and will not have to change corefiles. Also content I can directly add in two languages.
I hope I have explained the problem better.