Hi @josserand and @fulviods,
1. First, I renamed the plugin directory from “better-variation-price-for-woocommerce” to “wbvp”. Then I added the “languages” directory to the plugin folder, where I placed the template file. I renamed the template file to “wbvp.pot”. I added my translations to the system folder languages\plugins.
2. Next, I made changes to the file woo-better-variation-price.php, which is in plugins\wbvp\trunk\ :
– On line 136, change (‘Change main price when selecting variation.’) to (‘Change main price when selecting variation.’, ‘wbvp’)
– On line 142 change (‘Show lowest variation price instead of price range.’) to ( ‘Show lowest variation price instead of price range.’, ‘wbvp’)
– at line 148 change (‘Hide the ‘clear’ link that appears when you select a variation.’ ) to ( Hide the ‘clear’ link that appears when you select a variation.’, ‘wbvp’)
It all works now!